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Joe marches toward the middle of camp with a grin. The betas there look at him with a frown.

"Joe?" Brendon stands from his seat. "What're you doing here?"

Joe looks over, nodding to Ryan and Dallon before stepping closer to Brendon. "I was sleeping when Ryan came to gather guards," He lies. "I would like to be one."

"We have enough now," Brendon waves him off. "Thank you for offering though."

Joe can't be turned down. He has to be a guard and he has to get Patrick back to Pete. The gears in his mind work on overdrive before producing a convincing argument.

"I understand," Joe says slowly. "It's just-- I just think it would be smarter for me, an omega, to guard while the betas get their well-needed rest."

Brendon raises an eyebrow. "Is this sarcasm?"

"Absolutely not," Joe promises. "But take a look at Dan!" He gestures to the beta by the fire. "He's been hunting all day and now he has to guard! He's one of the most hardworking betas here, wouldn't you want him rested?"

Brendon looks between Joe and Dan. "You've got a point, Trohman."

"And I've been resting all day," Joe states. "I'll make it through the night with no problem."

Brendon's quiet for a moment. He leans over and whispers something to Dallon, who nods quickly. Whatever was said isn't disclosed to Ryan, who seemingly expected it. Ryan's jealously and displeasure is displayed openly on his face.

Joe has noticed this a lot. The deteriorating relationship between Ryan and Brendon, especially since Dallon came into the picture. Joe always thought it was because Ryan didn't want to be replaced by an omega, but he's starting to think it's more than that.

"Dan, you're off the guard for tonight. Joe, you're taking Dan's spot."

Joe beams. "Where am I guarding? The cat?"

"Absolutely not," Brendon scoffs. "I've got my strongest wolves on him. You're taking perimeter. You keep an eye out for other wolves."

"And Pete Wentz," Ryan adds.

"I was getting there, Ryan," Brendon growls, rolling his eyes before looking back to Joe. "Remember Pete?"

Joe nods.

"That little cat we got means something to him, so we're using it to lure Pete here. If you see him, you get call for backup."

"Understood. When do I start?"

Brendon looks at the sky, almost completely dark by now. "I'd say now, but you haven't eaten. Ryan, get him something to eat so he's got energy for the night ahead."

"Why doesn't Dallon do it?" Ryan pouts.

"Because I asked you to do it," Brendon narrows his eyes. "Now go."

Joe watches Ryan shove past Brendon, grabbing a bowl to fill full of meat.

"Once you eat, grab a weapon and start patrolling. You guard until morning. Got it?"

"Yes," Joe nods, grabbing the bowl Ryan shoves to his chest. He eats quickly, a mix of excitement for his secret plan and pure starvation.

He empties his bowl, grabs a knife, and marches along the treeline. It's hard to see, the fire barely reaching this part of the woods, but it doesn't matter much to him. He's got a bigger issue at hand.

How the hell is he going to get Patrick?

Joe banked on Brendon letting him guard the cat, but instead, he got shoved on patrol duty. This wasn't part of the plan, and now he's got to improvise for the second time tonight.

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