Bonus Chapter!

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On August 14th, Molly Prewett met Arthur Weasley.

"I'm Arthur," the boy said with a cute little smile, extending his hand, "Arthur Weasley."

She sniffled and wiped her hands on her dress.

With a shy smile (she knew she looked like a mess and didn't have nearly the amount of enthusiasm she usually had when meeting new people), she shook his hand.

"And your name is?" He prompted, still smiling, "Or do you want me to make one up?"

Molly laughed, sniffling again, before saying "My name is Molly Prewett. It's nice to meet you, Arthur, or at least, it would be under different circumstances...' she trailed off, getting quieter with each word.

"Hi, Molly Prewett. Do you want to go for a walk? We're started to get some weird looks."

And indeed they were. Some people just gave them side-eyes, but some were out-and-out staring at the sobbing girl, mostly annoyed at how much noise she was making.

"Um, yeah I guess," she said slowly, because her decision making skills were not great (I mean, going on a walk with someone you've just met? Not a fantastic idea) and she had her wand on her.

He pulled her up, having never let go of her hand, and they walked out of the train station

On August 31st, they said goodbye for the year, having spent time together almost every day. Arthur promised to write, as they didn't expect to see each other at the boarding schools they went to.

On September 1st, Molly Prewett and Arthur Weasley set off for Hogwarts, and each penned a letter to the other, before heading off to the Prefect meeting.

"Molly?" He said excitedly.

"Arthur?" She said, almost yelling even though they were less than a metre from each other.

They hugged in the stereotypical movie slow-motion running towards each other fashion, and Molly nearly started to cry. Her head knew it was silly that someone she had known for exactly 16 days and 2 hours was her best friend, but she felt like she knew him better than some of her friends she'd known all her life at Hogwarts. She loved his sense of humour, and his love of random muggle objects was endearing, and his laugh was so genuine and infectious they were laughing half the time they were together. He was sweet, and curious about everything, and they liked the same ice cream, and she was ever so glad they could hang out at Hogwarts together, and she would happily fight you and win if you insulted her new best friend.

Arthur was just happy that he had a friend at Hogwarts (a pure-blood who's practically a muggle with his near obsession with all things muggle and not-great magic skills isn't what you might call popular? Shocker), and Molly was so nice and seemed to really like him, so he saw this as an absolute win. And they liked the same music, and she thought he was funny, and he thought she was perfect, and Arthur could probably talk for hours about this girl he'd known for days and would willingly fight you if you insulted her (despite being terrible at duelling spells).

Basically, they were best friends, and being together at Hogwarts was amazing.

It was October 30th, Molly's birthday, when Arthur finally gathered up the courage to ask her on a date (because the near constant outings and the fact that neither of the ever spent a Hogwarts weekend with someone else didn't count, obviously). Unfortunately, someone beat him to it.

"Molly Prewett," Amos Diggory said with a slight slur (Molly said she didn't want alcohol at her birthday party, but did her friend Olivia Finnegan listen? No.), "Molly Prewett! Do you want to go out with me?" He said. In the background Arthur choked a bit on his waffle, courtesy of Hogsmeade's finest dining establishment, the Three Broomsticks ("Now hiring barmaids" the sign read, though it was partially blocked by a sixth-year named Rosmerta who was looking at it with interest).

Molly sighed, and scrunched up her nose a bit as Amos moved closer to her. "Actually, Amos, I think I'm good," she said with a polite smile, slipping away from the counter where she had just ordered her pumpkin juice (perks of having your birthday on a Hogsmeade weekend, you can have your party in a tavern because your party-loving friend made you).

"Arthur!" She shouted waving at him. He blushed, the waffle still in his mouth from when he heard Amos ask her out, though he had moved a considerable distance since that time, not wanting to hear the answer. "Arthur! Wait up!"

"Yeah Molly?" He said, finally swallowing. He didn't think he could ever eat a waffle again, which he knew was cheesy, but he didn't care. Molly was his best friend, and he was in love with her. He would be absolutely heart-broken if she had told him she was going to go out with Amos, but lucky for him, she didn't.

"Arthur, do you want to go out with me sometime?" She said (for some reason she was a lot more confident with Arthur than with Shawn. Almost like she... actually knew and grew to love him instead of having a small, mostly unfounded crush on him?).

"I... um... uh..." He stammered out, his face turning redder by the minute. Gone was the sweet and smooth boy who introduced himself to a perfect stranger at a train station, he acted like a boy who's crush just asked him out (which, of course, she did. What a coincidence!).

She smiled awkwardly and a bit sadly. "Look, Arthur, if you don't want to it's fine. Really! I know it's a long shot, I just thought I'd ask." She started to walk away, but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.

"Molly, I would love to go on a date with you. More than one, preferably," he said, a huge smile on his face. She turned around, saw his smile, and smiled back, and they each thought the other looked just as perfect as could be.

On January 1st, they had their first kiss (on the stroke of midnight, of course. Happy New Year's to them!)

One year later, on September 12th, Arthur proposed in front of the train station where they first met, having arranged for a fake Order meeting to send them there together. Their best friends were all there, and Molly said yes.

On April 18th, Arthur and Molly each said "I do", and Molly Prewett became Molly Weasley.

(Shawn wasn't invited to the wedding.)

A/N: Hello! I know the first chapter said "One and Only", but y'all really seemed to like it so I wrote up a little overview of their time together at Hogwarts. Anyways, thanks again for reading! I had ever so much fun writing both chapters, and there probably (probably) won't be anymore, so thank you for reading! And thanks again to @amaxinng for the wonderful first plot! (word count of 1174)

Lovely Lady: A Molly Prewett StoryWhere stories live. Discover now