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"Fuck you dumb bitch!!!!", I said before running out the door. I've been physically abused and raped by my step father since I was a little girl. Now that I'm 17, I can fight back and take back my dignity that's been snatched away from me . I ran out the door and ran to bus stop. I was kinda the new girl to the school but I knew some people there but I also knew the school itself, every inch and corner of it. When I realized the bus already left, I had no choice but to walk to school. My mother was at work, working her ass off while that lazy bitch of a step father sits in the house and does nothing around there but beats me and mother, eats, sleep, criticize and be lazy. I walked slowly to school, thinking about why did mother get marry to him? What is it about him that she loved? She has nothing to do with my real father no more. " He's a ungrateful nigga, that's why child!!", she always told me. My mother, Lauren Price was a hard working woman, always happy and helpful. But you don't want to get on her bad side. My mother been through so much and that son of bitch I call step father, makes her stronger everyday. Meaning, that she don't take his bullshit anymore. I see what's she coming from. How come she won't divorce him and get it over with? My mother is like my best friend and I tell her everything and I mean everything. She hardly cursed at me but she will cursed up a storm when you get on her bad side. The name is Ria Price and I'm a weird human. :) I'm very creative and talkative. I don't have many friends because I always stay to myself and keep quiet like a mouse stays its hole. With all the thinking I was doing, I was almost at the school. Cars honked at me to get my attention but I just Ignored it. This hot ride caught my attention and I looked inside to see this cutie inside on the phone but I proceeded to my location, school. I never had a boyfriend before but I had a lot of crushes that I never talk to because I'm that shy and scared to get close to a boy and talk to them. I get nervous and freak out when a cute guy walks up me to say hey or ask me out to the moviea and I always turn them down. I'm the average type of girl. I don't have a big butt or breast or pretty face. I'm average like I said. I'm decent and real. That's just me. Ria.

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