After I Yearn For You

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I wake up to the morning light hitting on my face, caressing gently through the wind creeping up from behind the window grills. I stretching my hands upward and curl up again on the bed.

"Bo! Wake up already! You gonna be late for school!" 

My mom's morning routine will be echoing in our house. She is a single mom who works hard for our family's life since my Dad left her for the younger mistress 4 years ago. He left me with my sister who only ages 4 at that time with my Mom. By the way, I'm 19 now. I'm attending a college's life, the second year. I'm taking the Economy and Business Management major. Actually, I prefer Art Design, but it changed when I saw how Mom has been struggled to take care of our daily needs and our school fee. I want to help her to earn money for us.

"Lazy head! I can't keep waiting for you for breakfast every day!"

Dawn, my younger sister, pops up at the doorway of my room.

"Oh, ok....! I wake up...!" I groan. Then lazily, I get up from the bed, earns a satisfying glance from the Primary school girl.

Dawn dashes off of my room. I watch her as she climbs down the stairs through the open door.

I walk to the bathroom to wash up. It's cold today. I'm too lazy to take a shower. I just brush my teeth and wash my face, then get dress and go downstairs.

On the dining table, Mom and Dawn already waiting for me. They haven't had their breakfast. It becomes our tradition to eat together. If anyone of us come late, we have to wait for them, unless if we won't come around in a few hours.

I sit on one of the chairs.

"I can't send you to the campus. I'm rushing. Have a surgery in n hour time. I only able to drop Dawn in her school...!" says Mom, while spreading her toast with butter.

"No problem," I reply. I take a sip of my chocolate.

We eat breakfast quietly. There is nothing much to talk about, anyway. Only our school and sometimes Mom will tell us about her work.

"Snap, snap, Dawn! We gotta go now!" Mom gets up and grabs her handbag. And she drags Dawn out of the dining room.

"Bo! Don't forget to lock the doors and windows!" Mom shouts from the foyer.

I don't answer her. My mouth is busy munching the toast.

I can hear the front door being slammed shut. And there is the engine roaring in the yard. Mom has left the house with Dawn in her Chevy.

I'm finishing my toast and chocolate. I put the dish into the sink. I don't wash them. Too lazy. I grab my sling bag and make sure the windows and doors are locked. After that, I head to the front door and get out of the house. 

I walk to the nearest bus stop to catch a bus that heading to my campus. No need to wait too long, the bus comes after 5 minutes waiting. I hop on the bus, tapping my bus card and go behind to find an empty seat.

I set my headphone to get rid of the boredom, listening to my favorite music. I averted my eyes to the building and houses that look running along the way of the bus which brings me to my destination.

The bus stops at a bus stop to pick up the passengers. I watch the people who are in line to get into the bus. After makes sure there are no more passengers to carry, the bus driver closed the auto door and start to move the bus. But he halts. Why?

I lengthen my neck to see what happens. Oh! There is a boy who running from behind the bus, trying to stop the bus to wait for him. The auto door swooshes. The boy hops on the bus and says thank you repeatedly to the driver which responded with a nod from him.

After I Yearn For You (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें