Meet the Spider

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Peter's POV

I was finishing my patrol, sitting on a roof, when I heard a soft *thump* behind me. I immediatley spun around and webbed them. Then I realised it was the Captain America. 

"Oh my god I'm so sorry. Its a reflex. Last time snuck up on me it didn't exactly go so well. Ended up with at least 3 bullets in my back." I ran up to him, and ripped the webs off him.

"Sorry again," I said sheepishly, scratching the back of my neck.

"It's ok. I should have known better than that, it's my fault."

"So, what brings the great Captain America to queens, sightseeing? Or let me guess, possibly to see a little ol vigilante like me?" I watch his body movement, and examine him. He has his sheild, hes not in a fighting stance, com in his ear...... probably connected to the other avengers. He's muttering to himeslf, nevermind he's talking into the com. My spider-senses aren't going off, so he's not looking for a fight... I decide I'm going to scare him a little bit.

"So what does S.H.E.I.L.D want with me? I don't think you came to queens without a mission from one of the big guys. Maybe Fury?" He did a double take when I said this, and I heard a voice say 'how the hell does he know that.' "Oh, and tell your friends on your com that I'm not stupid, and ever since Ms. Romanof downloaded sheild files on the web. Now if you excuse me, I got to go home. I have a curfew." I turned around and swung away. As I left, I heard someone from the com say 'Well Cap, looks like he got the better of you. At least he talked to you for a bit. Fury wants to recruit this guy, and now I know why.' I chuckle a bit. Hm, so Fury wants to recruit me. Lets just see where this goes, and see if they can earn my trust. It's not going to be easy. I hope they don't force me to join.... I need to protect May....

Cap's Pov

Well, that could have gone better. I watch Spider-Man swing away. When Tony talks in the coms, I swear I could hear Spider-Man chuckle.

"Steve? Did you find anything about his powers?"

"He has enhanced senses, he could hear you talking on the com. I think he knows we're trying to recruit him now. He also seems to have a sixth sense that warns him if anyone's sneaking up on him. His webbing seems to be man-made, I'm bringing some back to the Tower. He deffinately has Super-Strength, I couldn't get the webs off but he pulled them off like string. From his voice and height, he could be anywhere from 15-20, so he is young. Is that enough Tony?" I heard muttering then silence.

"Ok then Steve come back to the Tower and we will run some tests on the webs," Bruce said.

"Ok, on my way now."

Peter's POV

WOAH!! I just met cApTaIn AmErIcA!! AND then I found out they want to recruit me!! Deep breaths Peter, calm down. I swing into my apartment window, and get my suit off. My phone buzzes, its from the group chat.


??? joined the chat

Peter, Mr.Ego, Mr.Silver, BadAssQueen, and Mr.Banner are online 

Mr.Ego: So now you join.

Mr.Silver: Took ya long enough.

Peter: Hello! You know eachother?

Mr.Silver: He's a friend from work.......( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)

Peter: what's ur favorite thing someone ever gave you?

???: My daughter gave me a 'worlds best grandma' mug.

Peter: ...........

???: they were out of best dad mugs.

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