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The Miller: Akane's Dad
The Miller's Daughter: Akane
The King's Son: Brian Taylor
Rumpelstiltskin: Akaoni

There once lived a poor miller who had a daughter named Akane. She was quite a jokester and a bit of a tomboy, who loved making people laugh. Despite them having little or no money, the two of them had great chemistry together and were very close. Money almost didn't matter to them as long as they had each other.

One day, the miller had to bring supplies to the King from the neighboring kingdom. The King was quite selfish and greedy. Nothing satisfied him more than wealth. He also had a son named Brian, who was expected to marry fairly soon. He was nothing like his father. He couldn't care less about looks or wealth. He wanted to find someone who would love him for him.

Just as he finished bringing in the supplies, the King asked to speak to him for a moment. "Do you by any chance have a daughter?" He asked. "Yes I do." He answered. "Her name is Akane. Why do you ask?" "Well, my dear son is expected to marry soon and I need to find a good suitor for him. You don't mind if I borrow your daughter for a little while right?" The Miller was unsure at first, but after he promised him money he agreed.

Later that day, Akane was brought into the castle and taken into a small room filled with lots of straw. "For your first test, you must try to spin all this straw into gold." He told her. "If you don't, then you will be imprisoned in my dungeon." Then he slammed the door and locked her inside. "What the heck?!" She exclaimed. "How could all of this be spun into gold?! This is impossible!" As she began to cry, a small troll looking figure opened the door and walked in. "What are you?" She asked right away. "That I cannot say." He replied. "Whatever's the matter, young miss?" "Well, I have to spin all this straw into gold by morning or else I'll be locked up in the King's dungeon. But it's absolutely impossible!"

The little troll thought for a moment and then said, "I'll make you a deal. I will spin all of this straw for you, if you give me something in return." "Okay. I'll give you my necklace." She said as she gave him the necklace. The troll took the necklace, seated himself and started to work. He worked until all the straw was spun and then he left. The next day, when the King arrived to check on Akane and saw the gold, he was delighted. "Would you look at this!" He cried. "You really did it! Amazing!" Even though he had all the gold in the world, his heart still felt greedy so he led her into another room with twice as much straw and once again ordered her to spin it into gold.

Akane sulked by herself, until the troll came in again. "I can spin all this into gold as well, if you give me something else." He said. "I'll give you my ring." She said as he took the ring. He sat himself back down again and started spinning. The job was done in no time at all and when the king entered the room, he was delighted to see twice as much gold in the room. The King knew that she and his son would be perfect together, so he gave her one final test as he led her into a much larger room with lots of straw.

"Now, if you have all this straw spun by morning, you shall be my son's bride." Akane started blushing, for she had developed feelings for Brian. She waited patiently until the troll walked in again. "What shall you give me if I spin all of this into gold?" He asked. "Oh! I don't think I have any thing else to give!" She exclaimed. "How about this then. Promise me your first born child when you are Queen." "Okay. That will work I guess." She didn't think that would happen any time soon, so she agreed and the troll began to spin. When the King walked into the room and saw all the straw spun, he called in Brian and Akane confessed her feelings. Brian responded with a kiss and the two were now engaged.

A few months later, Akane and Brian got married and Akane became a Queen. A few more months later, Akane became pregnant and had her first child. They were happy for a short while, until the little troll appeared before her and asked for the child. "Wait, what?! I...I can't!" She cried. "You promised me your first born child." He explained. "But, I didn't think I'd ever have kids! I can't do it!" As she began to sob, the troll began to take pity on her. "I'll make you a deal. If you can find out what my name is in three days, then you can keep your child. Deal?" "Deal."

The next day, Akane started giving names but to every name, he shook his head. And on the next, she tried some of the strangest names she's ever heard of, but it still wasn't his name. On the third day, Akane began to get stressed, for she knew that she would have to give up her child if she didn't find out his name. Just then, one of her guards returned and burst through the door. "I haven't found any new names, but I found out what his name is!" Akane turned around at once. "His name is Rumpelstiltskin." He said. "I overheard him boasting about it in the forest."

Akane was so unbelievably happy, that when the troll walked in and asked what his name was, she immediately answered, "Your name must be, Rumpelstiltskin!" The troll let out an horrific gasp. "How could you?! How could you?!" He flew into an uncontrollable rage and he stomped out of the room and slammed the door behind him. Akane and Brian continued to live happily as the King and Queen with their beautiful child and they'll continue to live happily ever after.

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