The Witch of Raheny

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The Witch of Raheny.

In school it always seemed strange to me.

How even the hard boys believed there was a witch in Raheny.

If you mentioned her name.

They quickly blessed themselves.

Three times again and again and again.

Mock them they warn you to beware.

Never ever enter the witches Lear.

One boy once did and they could not get him out.

Not Garda, priest or Christian brother.

The witch would not give him up not even to his mother.

As I said this story seemed strange to me.

Because you see, the witch is my auntie.

The hard boys story is true to be sure.

My aunt hid a boy who barged through her bungalow door.

The boy was been chased by two big christen brothers in black.

The boy begged my aunt not to let them take him back.

"Hope our young recruit hasn't ruined your day!" The bigger Christian brother did say.

"We will take him and teach him not to run away!"

"No! You won't!" My little aunt did say.

"As long as I breath the boy will here stay!"

They called the Garda, priest and even the boys mother.

Not one got by my aunt and the boy never became a christen brother.

It still seems strange to me.

That the boys thought my aunt was a witch in Raheny.

Every witch I know, would never live in a bungalow.

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