The color diet

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This new diet i will be trying is The color diet it has many other names

Here is your grocery list:

.1 Apple
. 1 banana
. Cucumber
.blue berries
. Carrot
. Strawberries
.red pepper

The rules for this is very simple, Do not eat more then needed. You can drink whatever you want. Always eat food of the color on the day.

⚠️⚠️⚠️A/N: Lol love how i say i will continue the book but don't for months anyway i would like to say that this is an important message that later on when the book gets more popular it will have its on chapter bit if any of these diets is starting to cause you harm do not do the whole reason i haven't been up dating is because from me still recovering from the last diet. After doing it i went 3 more extra days and when i dropped it and attempted to go onto regular food my stomach couldn't handle the food so i started to throw up. So please do not do it if its causing harm I'm doing it cuz i wanna do extreme diets but plz do not do this . And if you have this problem dm me or talk to a doctor. Dm me if you want me to give you a diet to put you back on track to being able to get to regular food without your parents knowing but if it is extremely bad go to the doctor. So from now on the diets that are to dangous will have (🚫) beside it.Thank you⚠️

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