April 1st Part 1: Athena and Poseidon Cabins

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Wow, I'm exhausted. Setting up today's grand prank took Connor and me since 3 am this morning. I'm practically falling asleep in our "secure location", AKA the Hermes cabin roof. Hey, it's a good place! We can watch the action from above, while staying out of reach of scary, angry campers, including, but not limited to, Katie Gardner, Annabeth Chase, Katie Gardner, Percy Jackson, Katie Gardner, Piper McLean oh, and an Olympian god. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of Connors bullhorn. Nobody can sleep through that.

Malcolm (A/N: Bet you were expecting Annabeth)

My eyes snap open upon hearing the loud noise. As I get my bearings, I see my siblings stirring. Then I hear an ear-piercing shriek from the bunk next to mine.
"GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" screams the voice of my sister, Annabeth. Only one thing can scare her like that. Which means. . .
"SPIDER!" My voice goes higher than it should be able to as I scramble out of bed. I probably should have remembered that that word causes mass hysteria in the Athena Cabin. But even more panic-inducing? The actual thing. Shouts of terror echo around the cabin as everyone finds themselves with at least ten massive spiders on them. Okay, maybe not Arachne-level massive, but still at least three inches in diameter. And I don't even stop to figure out the circumference! That's how afraid I am!
"THE LAKE!" yells Lola Quinn (A/N: Totally made up). We stampede towards the door, and, more importantly, the canoe lake. We get to the lake and jump in. The spiders float away from us, but they're still everywhere! We rush to the docks and pull ourselves out of the arachnid-infested lake.
Rowan Leerman speaks first. "What now?"
"Now," Annabeth responds with a murderous look in her eyes, "we murder Travis and Connor."


The bullhorn wakes me up. And guess what? My hand is filled with shaving cream! And guess what else? I flinch so hard, I slap myself in the face! But. . . something else is off. Not sure what. I get up and start getting ready. I'm done, but then I look in the mirror. And guess what I see? a sharpie mustache. Thanks a lot, Stolls, I think. 


Oh man, I can't wait for the next pranks! I clutch my binoculars excitedly and turn them towards the Big House.


A bullhorn. Only two people in camp own a bullhorn. I carefully step out of bed, testing the floor for pressure-activated death traps. Surprisingly, I don't find any. I check the toothpaste, the faucet. Nothing. I'm still on guard, though, since those Stolls are very sneaky. By the time I go to the porch, I have relaxed a bit. Dionysus is drinking his soda, like normal. I fold into my wheelchair, when suddenly, the crack! of thunder is heard, and Mr. D goes flying off the terrace, into the volleyball pit.

Chapter 1 is finished! What shall happen next? Please comment if you see any mistakes!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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