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      I couldn't imagine how those eyes that stared to me for 3 long years, now staring with full affection to the person I value the most. Those moments that we shared during our love days turned to be my greatest nightmare. I held questions that even I myself don't know the answer. Dan, my-o-so loving boyfriend cheated on me.

     I was in high school when I met Dan. He had this aura and charisma you can't easily resist. Every girl out there would do everything just to get his attention and hopefully be noticed. I could say, he was indeed a catch.

I thought that it was the first and last time I'd see him but luckily we were classmates in Biology. I didn't really have the intention on becoming close to him but fate must have played with us and we became friends. We would hang out during our free time, tell stories and jokes we're both fond of, and would lend each other's shoulders to cry on.

He had been the best companion I ever had and I'd be a liar if I tell you I don't have feelings for him.

Yes, Dan Joshua Brown was my first love.

Thinking that things might change, I kept my feelings hidden. We continued being friends but as time pass by, irritation and jealousy would rule in me just a mere sight of him being with other girls.

Then realization hit me, why the fuck would I feel irritated? Why would I be jealous? He sees me as a friend and I'm not even his girlfriend. I don't have the right to act this way.

'You're jealous because if Dan finds himself a girlfriend, you'll be just like an accessory' my sub-conscious answered and I'm furious with such idea.

So I decided to build up the courage in me and I wouldn't let this opportunity slip so I told him how I feel before it's too late.

"Dan, I have feelings for you ever since we became friends. I didn't know this feeling would grow but I love you. I really do." These were the exact words that came out from me, and I could feel my forehead sweating thinking I might be rejected.

Dan raised my chin, and our eyes met. His warm smile embraced my heart and that very moment, a new chapter of our story had begun.

     I couldn't ask for more. Dan was a perfect boyfriend and we carried our relationship smoothly. Our bond became stronger and those fights that we had became our teacher, we were literally inseparable. We became part in each other's special events down to the simplest ones. We might not be a description of a perfect couple, but our love for each other is genuine.

December 2, 7:23 in the evening. The sun was already out and the cold breeze met my cheeks. I had night classes so I had to stay at school but luck isn't on my side and small drops of rain started to fall then it became stronger.

I texted Dan to fetch me but 15 minutes pass, I didn't get a single reply. I started calling him thinking he might be busy and forgot to read my text to give him a notice. Still, I was unable to reach him. I should've been mad right now but I waited patiently. 9:00 pm, the rain had stopped and it was already late but no sign of Dan.

He was nowhere to be found.

"Is he really that busy that he forgot his girlfriend?" I mumbled silently as I walk my way to home.

I couldn't stop thinking of Dan. An unknown feeling started to overcome me and I don't know where this came from. We had numerous problems before but I only felt this weird feeling right now. Am I stupid or something? I'm being a paranoid again.

One thing's for sure, I need to talk to Dan.

     I stood up from my seat and walked pass my classroom ignoring the shouts of my classmates to call my attention. We were at the middle of a discussion but I couldn't stand the thought that my boyfriend didn't call me for days. I had enough of his childish acts. I should be the one ignoring him but here I am, running in the corridors to go to his classroom.

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