Chapter 9

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Eddie was panicking. He kept using his inhaler, while Richie held on to him.

'It saw us! It saw us and it know where we are!', he said.

'Eddie, calm down!', Y/N shouted at him.

'Calm down? You're fucking asking me to calm down?'. He started pacing.

'It's always k-k-known where w-we are', Bill said.

'S-s-so let's go'. Y/N looked over at him. 

'Go? Go where?', Ben asked.

'The Neibolt house. That's w-where G-G-Georgie is', Bill replied, picking up his bike. 

'After all that?', Stan asked. Y/N placed a hand on Bill's shoulder.

'Bill's right. Since all the sewers connect there, it's pretty obvious that that's where Georgie will be', she said. Bill smiled gratefully at her. Y/N picked up her skateboard too, setting it on the road.

It's summer! We should be having-', Richie was cut off.

'Don't you dare s-say it's s-summer one more f-f-fucking time!'. Bill got on his bike, taking off, Y/N right behind him.

(Timeskip to the house)

Y/N's POV 

Bill and I stood in front off the house, looking up at it.

'R-r-ready to go i-in?', he asked. I nodded confidently. We were about to step in when Beverly's voice rang behind us.

'Bill! Y/N!', she shouted. We turned. The loser's dropped their bikes and ran up to us, standing at the bottom of the stairs.

'You guys can't go in there!', Beverly spoke. 'This is crazy!'.

'Look, you don't have to come in with me', Bill said, facing the rest of the group. He grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers.

'But what happens when another...Georgie goes missing?', Bill asked. He looked close to tears. His voice shook.

'Or another Betty? Or another Ed Corcoran? Or one of us?', he asked. The group looked down.

'Are you just going to pretend it isn't happening like everyone else in this town?'.

Tears started forming in my eyes. 

'Because...I can't', Bill said, a tear rolling down his cheek. 

He looked at the house.

'I go home, and all I see is that Georgie isn't there'. Tears were rolling freely down my cheeks now. I wiped them away. I've always loved Georgie. He was like...the little brother I never had. It almost broke me when I got to know that he was missing. I spent days trying to find him, but it didn't work.

'His clothes, his toys...his stupid stuffed animals..'. I laughed softly. But due to my tears, it came out more like a gasp.

'But, he isn't'.

Everyone looked up at him. Different emotion were behind everyone's eyes.

'So walking into this house, for me', Bill continued.

'Is easier than walking into my own'.

Bill turned towards the door. I did the same.

'Wow', Richie muttered. 'What?', Beverly asked.

'He didn't stutter once'. I looked over my shoulder.

'I'm going with him', I said. 'You guys can come if you want to'.

Young Love (Bill Denbrough x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora