Day 3: Coffee cafe

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Today I explored the city a little, before I started work so I wouldn't be totally lost on lunch breaks. I found a cute coffee cafe a block from my apartment it shouted "hipster" although I didn't see any middle aged men with beards ordering dairy free coffee with organic and gluten free muffins, shame I so would've taken a photo!

Although I did see a certain neighbours when I was scrolling though Tumblr, Surprised I hide behind the only thing near me which was my phone and coffee. I held them up to my face attempting to hide which didn't seem to work when the spare chair in front of me had a hand on it then a voice spoke,
"Am I that bad? That you have to hide from me, Ella?" Joe spoke up
With all honestly I don't why I hid. We had a good time yesterday even if what we were doing was boring as watching paint dry
"No! I was just try to see the picture better!" Hey! I freaked, I didn't know what else to say
"That's what zoom is for, Ella" he laughs and sits down. I give in, and smile back.
"So what are doing in my favourite coffee cafe?" He stares straight into my eyes, his brown eyes that play with mischief but still hint a bit of serious, oh those eyes! Any girl straight in the head could get lost in.
"Oh!" I exclaimed covering my shocked mouth with my hand "your coffee cafe?! I didn't know, I'm so sorry I will leave so you can have your cafe back!" I joke around with a smirk on my face. Joe laughs, loud. The kind of laugh that makes his eyes wrinkle up, the kind of laugh that makes me laugh too.
We continue joking around, being loud and ignoring the funny looks and rolling of eyes at our childish behaviour. We don't care. We are having fun. We don't give one shit about the looks.

We eventually make our way back to his apartment. We are sitting on his couch talking about movies when his supposed roommate came out only wearing a towel.
I give a little scream and cover my eyes although I was still laughing.
"Oh my god! I am so sorry!" A unknown voice said sounding a little embarrassed and I remove my hands from my face "this is not how I usually dress but other then that, hi I'm brad" I shake brad's hand. Who's a cute guy dark coloured hair, freckles spreading across his cheeks and nose and dimples on either side of his mouth.
I introduced myself back then brad excuses himself to dress himself property.

I spent a couple hours with the two handsome guys but after a while Brad said he had a date to go on and soon left leaving me and Joe, alone. We watched tv and chatted in the ad breaks. It was nice to just sit around and talk. Later on Joe invited me for tea, I accepted because I really couldn't be bother making my own and hey free food who doesn't love free food?

"Are you ready?" I sat on the kitchens bench stall while Joe was cutting up vegetables.
"Ready for what?" I ask curious on what he's talking about
"Ready to be blown away with my cooking" he smirks at me. I roll my eyes but laugh anyway
"Go on, impress me!" I challenged him. He gave me a little laugh and shook his head

To say he impressed me was an understatement. His cooking of pasta was the best I have and that's saying something! After tea it was getting quite late so I decided to make my journey home, to levels up.
"Well bye" I gave awkward wave I never know what to do in these situations, Joe just laughed and grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into a hug. It was a weird feeling I felt more comfortable in his hug then just his presence, with his arms wrapped around my waist, he chin resting on my shoulder my arms around his shoulders I felt comfortable, peaceful relaxed I almost didn't want to let go, it was obvious he didn't want to either because we stayed like that a while.
We eventually let go when we both realised how long we were hugging, it was very very awkward lets just say that.

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