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Bakugo's pov:

 "What do you mean Mina? "

"You know what i mean"mina looked at me

shit she know i was stareing at kiri dosent she. she probly the worst prerson to as me about this shit. oh god why cant she leave  it there and go to her dorm .


"n3o not untill you say i want to hear"

"what do you want to hear mina"

"i want you to say u like kiri right now to me"

"i dont like shitty hair we just freinds ok "

"your gay right "

i role my eyes and sit at my desk "no i am not"

"bakugo look i know you dont talk about your felling to anyone but dude spill plz i need to know then i can help you get ur man"

"mina i told you i am not .. gay "

"ok then how do you feel when your around kiri then "

"no"shit if i tell her she going to go to kiri and tell him everything i said. like he cute and really 'manly' but that what he call me anyways but yh i dont care really. wait a sec did i call him cute .

"i am not leaving till you ltell me dude"

"ok ok but if u tell him ill kill you"

"you have my word for it"

"ok ill he honist with you then i have liked him scine that shitty sporst festable a cupple mouths ago "

"omg really and you want to date him right"

"yh but like i dont know what to do inorder to "

"ask him on a date "

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