Car ride

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Okay so the last chapter could've been better, but I don't have the facilities for that big man.
mfcheetos270 <—— follow her!
Also play the music hehe
(Brittany's pov)

I paced back and forth throughout the hotel bedroom. I feel bad for leaving Rana, she's probably so upset that we all deserted her. It's okay though we'll be reunited together soon, I just hope she can take care of herself. I started unpacking my belongings, putting my clothing away as a second wave of hunger washes over me.

The girls and I were waiting for the elevator, when I heard the ding I looked up and a boy with glasses appeared as the elevator doors were opening. Damn, he's definitely one of the finer men I've seen today, but he has more of a secret smart cute side then fine.

"Can you press the button to the lobby please?" I asked him.

The boy looked at me while pressing the button. "Sure, beautiful," he told me. I looked at the girls confused like what the actual fuck. Clearly I didn't mind the name, I just wasn't used to it sadly.

Elena gave me this smirk the whole elevator ride. She's over exaggerating, it wasn't anything bad, the dude just called me beautiful. Right? Back home boys will never notice me, they would just ignore me. Why am I still thinking about him, it was just a simple white boy with glasses nothing else, plain old vanilla.

Why am I being so obsessed over a boy who I won't see again. My hormones are definitely getting the best of me right now, I need to calm down and start thinking properly.

"BRITTANY!" Jessica exclaimed.

"What?" I say with a slight scowl snapping back into reality.

"We're here, you need to start paying attention more, girl." Sara says with a knowing look. Could she make this anymore obvious then it already is, ugh these girls.

I don't know what just happened. Why was I overreacting over a boy? A boy who I will not ever see, what the fuck! I should go get food right now and stop thinking.

The girls and I started walking to get food and discussed where to eat for dinner.

"What y'all want bitches?" asked Elena.


(Rana's pov)

I felt a tap on my shoulder, as I looked over I saw a really cute guy with a picture perfect smile, damn. I wish I wore better clothes, I look like a rugrat while he looks like he just got done with a photo shoot. His glasses are fire too (literally). I tilt my head sideways and examine him a little more.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer, hermosa." He says with a subtle wink, and that's enough to make my cheeks turn a ruby rose. Who was this guy and what did he want? Gee Rana I don't know how about you know ask him? Shut up, I tell myself as I have an internal battle in my mind.

"Can I help you?" I question, what was he planning on doing anyway.

He looks at me smiling, this big smile. "Would you like a ride hermosa? My car is outside parked."

Why the fuck will a fine ass stranger ask me for a ride. "Why would I go into any car with you? You're a completely random person and it's weird." Okay he seems super sketchy, who just asks people this shit?

"Come on, the ride will be for free amor," said the handsome stranger. Does this guy not take the hint oh my god.

I didn't know whether to go or not. What if i get kidnapped, or worse killed! You know what fuck it I'm at Puerto Rico why not just risk it all. I came here to have fun and risk anything so why not. After letting my tiredness take over my emotions, and in my attempt to be able to get some sleep, I finally accepted his request.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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