the girl from three months ago

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three months ago, i remembered how life emotionally tortured a girl in different versions of sadness and pain. she was wreck, torn into pieces and suffered living hell.

three months ago, i remembered a girl laughing beside her relatives and then going to bed silently crying herself to sleep.

three months ago, i remmbered seeing her vile image down on her knees inside the shower, begging the almighty to take away her life.

three months ago, i remembered how she told me that one time she woke up with a heavy heart, it was like a stone was placed above her chest. she was gasping for air, silently asking a powerful existence to give her another chance to find the beauty in life.

she opened her eyes, she opened her mind and she opened her heart not to anyone else but herself.

slowly she began to see the beauty she was looking for,

slowly her laughs became genuine, her smiles became pure and there in her eyes shows a glimpse of hope.

'life is amazing' she told me, 'one day you feel like you're on the peak of happiness then suddenly you fell on a hard ground, then you're shattered just like that. you look above and wondered will i ever be whole again? without realizing, you find yourself picking up the pieces turning you to a more fitting person, ready for another journey to happiness'

i remembered how her chapped lips formed a perfect smile. it was at that moment i came to realize,

the girl i remembered is who i was three months ago,

i've already turned into the fitting person she once said, and she became a fragment of my past life.

three months was enough for me to see the beauty in life i once lost,

three months was enough for me to finally fall in love with my solitude.

three months was enough for me to decide that i will stop looking for my missing pieces and improvise it with something better than what i've lost.

it really does get better, i am awed seeing the image of her smiling despite of everything she had been through.

she did a great job on molding me into the person i am today.

and for that she owns a place in my heart forever, the girl i was three months ago.

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