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Quick warning, if you are familiar with Warriors, you know there is a lot of fighting and death. This series isn't any different, if you are not ok with cats fighting and dying, then you are free to leave!

I woke up at the crack of dawn, the light peaking through the little spaces in between the branches and leaves that made up the nursery. My fur warmed by the sun's energy, I looked around to peer at the other queens and looked down near my tail, with my kit cuddling against my body. Her body was half trapped in the sunlight and half in the shadows. Her pale golden fur glistening in the light with her ears, tail, and paws fading to black. "Hey, Honeypelt!" My ears twitched at my name being called, I turned to see Rubyheart looking at me with her usual soft smile. "Oh, good morning Rubyheart!" I meowed quietly, as to not wake the other queens and kits. "How's Charliekit doing?" She asked. "Good, and Alastorkit?" I replied "He couldn't be better!" She purred. I heard shuffling and I turned toward the entry of the nursery, it was AppleStar. He came in the check on me and the other queens.

 "How are you two this morning?" He meowed. "We are just fine!" Rubyheart and I whipped around to see SilverClaw looking at Applestar. As usual , Vaggiekit was up and ready to go. My guess was she woke up her mother again. Vaggiekit was a small silver kit with dark gray eyes with a darker gray for her tail. She was always very determined and excited, and this morning she had a right to be, that's probably why SilverClaw was so calm. "Good morning" said Whitetail as she slowly awoke. "Good morning!" I purred. I felt Charliekit start to move and wake up. "And how are the clans future apprentices?" Applestar said brightly. "I'm ready for an adventure in the forest with my mentor!" Vaggiekit said excited. "I just hope you learn something." Alastorkit meowed quietly. Alastorkit was definitely more cautious than the others and always willing to know as much as he can, he and Charliekit got along well. He was a small red colored kit with his taik, paws, and tips of his ears being black.

 "Hey!" Vaggiekit said playfully. "I mean he's not wrong" Huskkit yawned. I couldn't help but snicker at the situation. "Ok, why don't you all go get some fresh kill and sit down beside the high rock?" "Yes AppleStar!" The kits meowed. They were all excited to become apprentices, in a heartbeat, they all bounded out of the nursery toward the fresh kill pile. I got up quickly to catch up to them, but AppleStar out his paw up and said to me, "She will be fine, she's an apprentice, she will learn to care for herself along with her mentors or your help." I smiled and have AppleStar a small lick in the shoulder. The other queens and I went to go get some fresh kill. By the time we got there, the kits were already eating. Most of the Thunderclan warriors were up at this point. AppleStar followed us to the high rock just as Graystorm, the clans deputy, and some other cats had returned from evening patrol.

"Good morning Honeypelt, Rubyheart, Whitetail, SilverClaw, Alastorkit, Huskkit, Vaggiekit, and Charliekit!" He meowed fatigued from the patrol. "Good morning Graystorm!" AppleStar said. "Any news?" "We sensed Riverclan warriors on our territory, but the sents were old. Other than that, prey seams to be active this morning so it will be a good day for hunting." Graystorm said. " Thank you Graystorm! Will you please join me in the high rock for the ceremony?" AppleStar meowed. "Of course I will, I would never miss the opportunity to see young apprentices start there journey to become a warrior!" Graystorm purred sounding a lot more awake. 

"Alright, are you four ready?" AppleStar meowed. "Ready as we'll ever be!" Vaggiekit said. AppleStar nodded and along with Graystorm, hopped on to the high rock. "May all cats old enough to catch there own prey gather beneath the high rock!" AppleStar announced. Soon enough all of the cats were gathered below the high rock. "Today we have four kits who will be starting there journey to become warriors! May Huskkit please step forward!" AppleStar said. Huskkit hopped up on the high rock next to AppleStar. "From this day forward, until he has earned his warrior name, Huskkit will be known as Huskpaw!" Huskpaw gave AppleStar a respectful lick on the shoulder and stepped to the side. "May Alastorkit step forward! From this day forward, until he has earned his warrior name, will be known as Alastorpaw!" Alastorpaw followed what Huskpaw had done. "May Charliekit and Vaggiekit step forward! From this day forward, until they have earned there warrior names, will be known as Charliepaw and Vaggiepaw!" The clan then began to chant, "Alastorpaw and Huskpaw! Charliepaw and Vaggiepaw!" The four apprentices all basked in the glory of hearing there new names. 

 Alastorpaw got assigned to Blackscar, Huskpaw got Ravenwish, Vaggiepaws mentor was Cindertail, and Charliepaw had Earthstorm. Once they had been assigned there mentors, they all met up and asked AppleStar if it was ok for them to all take the tour of the forest together. "I don't see why not, it better for you all to go in a group anyway just in case something happens." AppleStar meowed. They all went off into the forest for a tour of Thunderclan territory. 

"Alright what first?" Vaggiepaw purred trotting beside Cindertail. "I was thinking that first we would go see the gorge, then sunning rocks, then the river, snake rocks, and after that the thunderpath!" Blackscar meowed. Earthstorm had a worried look on his face. "Are we sure about the thunderpath?" he meowed cautiously. "Yes they need to know about it Earthstorm!" Ravenwish said. She was right, the thunderpath was dangerous and the last thing they wanted was their new apprentices to go on the thunderpath and get killed by a monster. Also, across thunderpath was Shadowclan. "Ok!" said Charliepaw once they were close to the gorge. She and Alastorpaw looked down into the gorge, an array I sharp rocks and sticks below them at a substantial height. Any cat that fell down there would be sure to die.(RIP Whiteclaw)

"Now, what can you four see and smell from here?" Cindertail mewed. " I can see sharp rocks and sticks and a river down below. " said Huskpaw. Vaggiepaw closed her eyes and sniffed the air with her mouth slightly open. "I can smell a mouse and a rabbit." "Is it me or does anyone else smell what I believe is fox?" Alastorpaw said. Blackscar smelled the air, paused and said, "I can also smell fox, we will have to move on and alert the clan when we come back." He said. The group all left to go towards sunning rocks. Once they approached, Cindertail sniffed the air to see if Riverclan had been there recently. "All clear! I can smell a bit Riverclan though." She meowed. 

"Why did you need to check the air?" Alastorpaw inquired. "Its because Thunderclan and Riverclan are fighting for this spot, we are sharing it currently, but we still fight sometimes." Blackscar answered. Just as Blackscar said that, they heard shuffling in the bushes. Ravenwish was first to crouch, ready to pounce on these intruders. HalfStar and his deputy Valipelt (Valintino) of river clan along with Zebrastripe, Mistystone, and Aphrofur. "I thought it was our turn to use the sunning rocks." Valipelt said in his usual overconfident tone.

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