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"I thought it was our turn with the sunning rocks."

 Ravenwish straightened herself and rolled her eyes. "Listen Valipelt, we know it's your turn with sunning rocks, we were just showing our new apprentices the area." Blackscar said. " Well you've shown them, now scram! " Mistystone hissed. "I'll show you who needs to scram!" Ravenwish hissed back. "Is that a challenge?" Mistystone growled. Before Ravenwish could answer, she felt a paw on her shoulder. She turned around to see Cindertail looking at her with a expression that said, don't start anything. Ravenwish glanced at her, she shifted and stayed silent. "No, an if you excuse us, we will be on our way." Earthstorm said. He looked at his apprentice and whispered, "I don't know about the others, but we're leaving this. I don't want you to get hurt because AppleStar will kill me" Charliepaw nodded and along with her mentor left the scene.

Charliepaw's mind was blank, she didn't know why Ravenwish and the Riverclan she cat didn't like each other. She figured the only one that would possibility know the answer was her mentor. "Hey, Earthstorm! Do you know why Ravenwish and the she cat were fighting?" Earthstorm looked at her with a soft expression , "Well they are from different clans, and some cats from two different clans don't get along. We don't know why they hate each other, I was planning on asking Ravenwish when we got back to camp." Charliepaw thought for a minute, " Oh I get it! I think Huskpaw told me that his dad told him about that all the time until, " She paused. "You know." Charliepaw finished. Earthstorm hung his head then nuzzled her shoulder lightly. "Its ok, now let's go ahead and wait here for the others to catch up, that is if they're not at each others throats." Charliepaw laughed , "Yeah we probably shouldn't have left!"

 Immediately after she said that, Ravenwish pounced out of the underbrush and tackled Earthstorm. Charliepaw started laughing hard at the look on her mentors face. Charliepaw laughed until the same happened to her when Alastorpaw pounced on her as well. The four cats were on the forest floor laughing, while the others sat there and smiled. "Okay, let's get going" Ravenwish laughed. The others straightened up and started to head towards where Shadowclan territory was. A little while after they started walking, Vaggiepaw said, "Wait, I thought we were going to snake rocks!"

 Cindertail chuckled and turned to Vaggiepaw and said softly, " I think that encounter with Riverclan was enough thrill for today. " Vaggiepaw sank her head and said, "Okay, I just really wanted to see an adder!" Ravenwish smiled and said, " Well where we're going, you will see something more dangerous than an adder! " Vaggiepaw's eyes lit up like stars. "RAVENWISH!" Cindertail said. "What?" Vaggiepaw looked at her mentors soft blue eyes. "Don't worry, I'll be careful." Cindertail sighed and smiled softly at her apprentice. "Here we are, does anyone know where we are?" Blackscar said. "THE THUNDERPATH!" All apprentices said at once. 

Cindertail flinched a bit, not expecting such ecstatic answers so quickly. "Good, does anyone know what's across the thunderpath?" asked Earthstorm. The apprentices all thought for a second and all shook there heads except for Alastorpaw. "Across the thunderpath is Shadowclan territory." Alastorpaw said calmly. "Very good!" Blackscar said. "Ick! Can we leave please? The smell of the thunderpath is stinging my throat!" Huskpaw said. "Yeah same with me, I didn't think it would smell this terrible!" Vaggiepaw added. "Ok, we'll go back to camp, the smell is kinda getting to me to." All eight cats started to head back to camp, once the were back all of them were exhausted. Graystorm saw them and glanced at them, he smiled and walked over to greet them. "Hello, how was your tour?" Graystorm asked. "It was great! We saw the gorge, sunning rocks, and the thunderpath!" Vaggiepaw exclaimed. Graystorm chuckled at the young she cat. "Why don't you four go get some fresh kill and rest up in the apprentices den?" The four apprentices all nodded their heads and walked over to the fresh kill pile.

 "Did you guys see anything that's worth knowing?" Graystorm asked. "Alastorpaw and I smelled fox near the gorge." Blackscar said. Graystorm suddenly had a worried look in his eyes. "Anything else?" "When we visited sunning rocks, we ran into Riverclan. And Ravenwish almost picked a fight with Mistystone." Cindertail explained. Graystorm glared at Ravenwish as she sank her head a bit. "I say this with love, but, WHAT IN STARCLAN WERE YOU THINKING!?" Graystorm hissed. "Sorry." Ravenwish said sorrowful. "I understand, but you have to be more careful sis!" Ravenwish nodded and started to head over to the fresh kill pile and take some to the warriors den. "She really is energetic and fierce, but she didn't think that one completely through, I know she's not mouse-brained!" Earthstorm said directed at Graystorm. "Anyway, you all go eat and rest. I'll notify AppleStar about the fox and Riverclan." " Thanks Graystorm!" Cindertail said. The three warriors each grabbed a two fat mice and headed towards the warriors den.

Ravenwish had already finished her mouse. Cindertail looked at her with concern. "Are you not going to eat more? You usually have a huge appetite after these things, and there's plenty of fresh kill." Ravenwish looked at her friend and said, " I don't know, I kinda lost my appetite after what happened. I thought about it and what I did was really stupid, I'm a mentor now, I need to be better then that!" Ravenwish said quietly enough so only Cindertail could hear. "Oh Ravenwish, it's ok! Every first time mentor does something dumb at least once, in fact with my first apprentice, I did something similar to what you did today! But the important thing is we learn from our mistakes." Cindertail said sweetly in order to comfort her friend. "Thanks Cindertail! You always say what I need to hear." Ravenwish said. She got up to go get more fresh kill. Cindertail cared deeply for Ravenwish and she was happy she was happy again and herself. She wants to be with her as long as she can, if possible depending on what's happening, even go to Starclan together.

She finished up her meal and looked around at the other warriors. Earthstorm and Blackscar were sharing tongues quietly, and most if not all the warriors in the den were sleeping. Cindertail decided that she would lay down for a little nap, the day was far from over, but she needed to recharge herself. She put her head down on her paws and went of to sleep in a matter of minutes.

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