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Beep Beep Beep

"ARGHHH!!" I screamed something non-human.

7:00 am. Why am I up at this time?

Oh yeah, I got a job at MANGO. After he hired me, he told me to come in on Monday at 8:00.

I turned off the goddamn annoying alarm, and stood up. I walked over to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face. That waked me up a little. I brushed my teeth and got in the shower. As I was washing my hair I sung the tune to Live While We're Young. The song was released the day I got hired and I fell in LOVE with it! and I hear Little Things is coming out soon, but its supposed to be a suprise when. and I couldn't wait.

Oh yeah. I'm a 100% Certified Directioner!

I got out of the shower and wrapped 1 towel around my hair and the other around my body, deciding to eat breakfast. I turned on some Keeping Up With The Kardashians and ate my Reeses Puffs.

After 20 min, I ran into the room to pick out my outfit for the first day at work.

It needed to be trendy, because I am working at the mall, but at the same time it couldn't be to much.

I pulled out a beautiful red blazer. I need something else with this so I grabbed a white tanktop

Alright I thought to myself These black skinnies would look EXCELLENT!

In the end I topped it off with black heels and black earrings.


I've always loved fashion. Actually I was planning on taking it as a course in university, but my dad told me that a doctor would be better so I might as well get a medical degree. So I guess fashion could always be a hobby thing.

My hair was just a little damp. so I brushed it out and pulled out the curling iron and worked my magic. I thought I should be daring and added to my usual Mascara and eyeliner, a vibrant and bold red lipstick.

I did a onceover in the mirror and called a taxi.

I was ready for my first day of work!

~~Zayns P.O.V~~

"The girls are gonna go crazy!" Harry said as we walked out of the studio in Sweden. We just finished recording Little Things and are planning on releasing it in about 2 weeks time. So tomorrow we're gonna plan the music video with the producers and director.

"Ed's best" Louis said

We were walking back to the aprtment we shared here in Sweden. I don't know why they are making us record here, I mean I think Sweden is amazing and stuff, but I really do miss London.

"I miss London" I sighed

"I know, mate. I mean we'll be back after November 12th when the albums released" Liam said, giving me a light punch on the shoulder.

"Yeah. For less then a month untill we have to go on tour again"

I miss my family, I miss my girlfriend, I miss everything and sometimes I wish that I never did tryout for X-Factor.

I mean at the begginging I was living the dream, but now...

"MCDONALDSSSS!!!" Niall yelled, escaping me from my thoughts.

.Ever since we've been coming back and forth to Sweden, Niall developed a love for McDonalds because aparently in here they don't have a Nandos. Well they do but its, like, 2 hours away.

Even Nialls not that crazy.

We walked in and ordered. None us us speak Swedish so basically we can't read the menu so we just order the same things everytime.

"I ordered my Big Mac and large fries and sat down at a booth. A while later, Liam came by with drinks.

"I got you your mix" He smiled

I smiled back. My favorite drink is when they mix all the drinks together (a/n: not really sure if Zayn likes this in real life, but I do) If I had to choose I was the most closest to Liam. He's like my saviour. He's helped me through the hard, rough times.

"You okay?" He asked me, leaning in, while the others fooled around at the kiddy playplace.

Those guys sometimes...

"Yeah, i'm fine"

"Okay" He said leaning back not sure whether or not I am okay.

I lied. I'm not okay. I don't think I'll ever be okay again



I Am A Muslim... /A Zayn Malik Fan-Fiction/Where stories live. Discover now