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No way. Wolf thought as she listened more intently. No freaking way. She held back a rare laugh as the sound continued. Oh, I am so using this against her when she wakes up.

☆                        ☆                      ☆

It had first started when she was trying to get to sleep one night. An inconsistent humming sound filling the air around her. Wolf had checked her surroundings, but could only see Benson, Dave and Kipo asleep.

Suspecting danger, Wolf reached out for Stalky and listened.

One, two, three, four-- The humming breifly paused, before continuing. Five, six, seven, eight-- Pause. One, two, three, four-- Pause. Five, six, seven, eight-- Pause. It continued like this for about ten minutes, Wolf finally deciding that if it was indeed a threat, it would've struck by now, and put Stalky back in its original place. She curled back up on the ground and closed her eyes.

One, two, three, four-- pause
Five, six, seven eight--pause

One, two, three, four--pause
Five, six, seven, eight--pause

One, two-----

"Alright that's it!" Wolf jumped up from her spot and clanged Stalky on the ground, waking her friends unsure whether it was her outburst or the metal against concrete that had roused them.

The humming stopped.

Wolf almost cried, It just had to go away now.

☆                        ☆                      ☆

The second time it happened was when they had just escaped from a mega bunny, and were hiding out in a wrecked convenience store.

Kipo had went half jaguar: paws, ears and tail out. Her eyes were glowing a familiar pink, signifying that she was using her eyes as well.

Wolf glanced to her friend, watching as the half mute scanned the area. Eventually, Kipo blinked and turned on a light switch that was suprisingly still working.

"I think it's safe, I can't hear or see anything." Kipo's eyes went back to normal, as did her arms, but her ears and tail remained.

"So, nerd, why keep the extra limbs out?" Dave questioned, and no one decided to comment on how he called a tail and a pair of ears limbs, as they had all grown used to it by now.

"Let her do what she wants, bug." Wolf decided to imput as she walked past the mute to inspect an old soda machine. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Benson frown, and then look around for any albums.

"Ooh! Ooh! Guys! I found blankets!" Kipo yelled. Wolf walked over to her friend and sure enough the half mute girl was walking out of a closet with her arms full of blankets.

"And... we're interested because...?"

Benson walked up behind her and answered for her, "Great! Now we don't have to be so cold all the time!"

So, the group of four found themselves huddled up in a mountain of blankets later into the evening. It was peaceful and quiet. Until the huming noise started again.

"Hey, uh, you guys hear that? Because I swear it's not my stomach." Dave asked, clearly hearing the noise.

"You hear it too?" Benson replied, glancing around.

"I heard it the other day as well, when I shouted in the middle of the night." Wolf contributed.

Kipo didn't say anything.

Benson turned to the girl, "Maybe you should keep your jaguar ears out tonight, just incase we're being followed."

Kipo nodded but stayed silent.

The noise continued all night.

☆                      ☆                        ☆

The third time it happened was when she finally figured it out.

They had just realised Mandu was not with them, and had split off into pairs to find the six legged pig. Wolf had gone with Kipo, and Dave had gone with Benson.

They were expecting to do it as peacefully as possible, seeing as there was not a mute in sight, but as it turns out, a deathstalker had decided to wander a bit too far from its territory, and just happened to run into the pair.

At first, they did not know it was there. In fact, Wolf was only aware of their precense because she heard Kipo yelp in suprise, only managing to turn around to see her friend getting stung by the large mute. She had managed to grab the slightly older girl and run off with her, briefly aware of the deathstalker following.

She ducked into a building and calmed herself, before realising that Kipo was not calm, unconcious or not. Panicking slightly, Wolf did the first thing she could think of:

She started to rub her friend's jaguar ears.

It seemed to work, as the deathstalker had walked away, but Wolf decided to continue, after all what harm could it d--

That humming.

Indeed the sound was back, and Wolf had just about had enough of it. She placed Kipo down on the floor and stood up, Stalky in her hand--

The sound stopped.

Confused, Wolf sat down again, before reaching out to mess with Kipo's ears again.

Why has it started again?!

Wolf stopped and looked around. The sound once again dispersed. She turned back to Kipo, slightly baffled--

"Wait a second."

Curiously, Wolf started tubbing Kipo's ears again. The noise started up again. She couldn't believe it.

"Oh my gosh, that is actually quite adorable."

Kipo was purring.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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