Chapter one

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 @Raven-The-Bird and @PennieyPeggs will be in this story

(Remus' first year; Hogwarts express)
"Luna, are you ready?" Remus asked his little sister "Yes, big brother." They went threw the wall. "I'll miss you Remy!" "I'll miss you to, Lu Lu." Luna bare hugged Remus. "Promise me you'll owl every day," Luna scolded. Remus chuckled. "I will." She hugged her brother more. "I should go now, Luna." Luna started crying. Mrs. Lupin came and took Luna away. "Bye Remus, have a good time at Hogwarts,- Luna, stop your crying!" "But Remy, mummy!" "Bye, Lu Lu." Remus took off to go find a compartment. Luna cried and let go of her mothers grasp. "REMY!" Luna chased after the train but her mother soon got her. "Bye Remy!"

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