Spirits Of Ice - Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters ROTG or Frozen 1/2

Once North had asked this question everyone had abruptly fallen silent. This had either been in confusion or wonder as to why North had brought up the subject of Northundra. Only North and Sandy had known about Northundra, you would have thought that Tooth would know as Guardian of memories, however, it was one of the few areas of memories that tooth wasn't allowed touch at all. Along with Northundra, Arendale had also been part of this list but it would be a while until the everyone had been notified on this matter. Simultaneously, Sandy had a look of concern on his face which would have bewildered both Jack and Bunny however they were both looking at North as well. Some of the elves had just entered the workshop and this scene had been displayed to them. All confused they left the room and began working on the new presents for kids in another room, Christmas was barely 3 months away after all.

"What's Northundra?" Jack asked. he had been the first to be broken from the sudden question and had been surprised by North's usually calm expression changed to a more grave expression and there had been very few occasions where that had occurred.

"It's well- it's unusual," North began unsure of how to explain such a place like Northuldra. It was a place where magic existed and there were spirits like then but as Jack would soon see they were, let's say different. He also didn't want to sound like too much of a lunatic and he wasn't sure if they would believe him or not.

"What's so unusual about Northuldra, North?" Tooth had sought, as far as she had been informed about all about the places in the world and their inhabitants, she had been collecting the world's teeth, however, she had begun questioning that now. If she hadn't known about a country then she wouldn't' have known about their inhabitants.

" Yeah mate, we're supposed to tell each other everything, that' your rule not mine," Bunny had accused in his strong Australian accent, if North had been breaking his own rules then he would start keeping secrets, payback's grand, and it would also be fair to do so.

"First of all that was an exception," North had stated," Manny told me that I couldn't reveal it to anyone unless it was a very pressing matter, and it has become one."He explained, a bit offended, North hated keeping secrets and Bunny had known this yet was attempting to push his buttons.

Everyone unaware about Northuldra reflected on what north had said if manny had told him to keep it a secret then it must have been an important thing. However, it didn't mean that they were curious about what was so important.

"Northuldra," North began, "is the centre of the Earth's magic, it is what keeps us in the form of a spirit, the earth's magic power supply."

"very funny, mate, can you tell us what it actually is? or not?" Bunny questioned he was a bit annoyed by the fact that North had been lying to them and telling then that there was a 'source' to their magic.

"I'm not joking, mate, as you would say," North didn't do well with accusations and had suddenly turned angry realising that just because Bunny hadn't believed him he had started to accuse him of lying. That did not well with North.

As North was finishing his sentence he had starting caving in on Bunny and so did Bunny to North, none were intimidated by the other and it seemed that all that would happen would be a fight.

suddenly a blast of ice came in between them and the two had been millimetres away from being hit by the ice in different forms, there were icicles and many other indescribable shapes. North would have applauded Jacks ability to be morphing his ice into such sculptures however he was a bit angry about he was about him being so irresponsible, no-one wanted a repeat of the last few years again.

"Come on guys you need to be ice to each other," Jack punned happy with being able to split his two companions apart, he wasn't in the mood for another fight.

"Ok I am getting frustrated right now, tell us about Northuldra, and stop fighting." Tooth exclaimed, she was getting annoyed at them all and she just wanted to know more about Northuldra.

"Ok fine," North began, " Northuldra is a place that had been kept off the scale of time for over 40 years and we had no idea why it closed." he took a deep breath and began again ," the last time something like this had happened was well over four millenniums ago just before Tooth had joined us and a few centuries before Bunny had joined."

There was silence in the room for a while everyone reflected on what North had just informed them all of but then it was interrupted by Sandy getting a bell and ringing it furiously. They all assumed that Sandy had been trying to get their attention for a while and he was getting annoyed about how long it had been taking the others to pay attention to him. Then he stopped ringing the bell, which everyone's ears were thankful for, and then he had pointed at the mist forming in the air - how was manny making this work in the daylight?

The picture was slowly forming however all eyes were still on the mist curious to see what it would eventually look like. it eventually came to look like a country, but only North and Sandy had come to recognise it, but the weren't glad to recognise it. However, two people were forming next to the country. They all had recognised that the first person there was Jack but again it seemed that only Sandy and North knew of her.

"Ok this is getting annoying, the first person's Jack, but who's that Lady next to him," Bunny huffed, once again frustrated with the increasing amount of secrets that were getting revealed today.

"That is Arrendelle's Queen," North told them.

"Cause telling us who she is so helpful mate." Bunny once again replied, anxious on whether or not they would have to get a new guardian. The last time that happened Pitch evoked havoc onto the world.

"I thought you said that you would stop with the secrets." Tooth added, she was getting frustrated with the secrets.

"Her name is Elsa, she is the only other being that controls Ice and Snow as Jack does," North told them, knowing that Jack wouldn't take it well.

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