As An Adult. 💄🎶

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As an adult you see

everything for how

it truly is.

Your faced with more

trials and tribulations.

The days consist of working

tiredesly, participating in long

meetings and reaching deadlines.

By night you are exhausted,

red eyed ready to sleep.

It becomes a juggling

game on loop.

Having to do one thing

then the other and so on.

You become a robot and

have to block out any

painful,  emotions to

get things done.

You just keep pushing

yourself and leave no

room for a break.

But when weekend

approaches, you are

bursting with colours.

It's like you can't be tamed,

the time has come to set

your wild, heart free.

You can feel the music

pulsing through the


A smile etches its way

on your scarlet, lips.

The drunken laughter

from your friends

becomes contagious.

You start moving your

feet to the beat and start

spinning under the disco


You dance away the thoughts,

the stress and the responsibilities.

Sprinkling your glitter

and sparkles on to every

one else.

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