The Introduction to Caroline Conaway

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The Introduction to Caroline Conaway

Ugh. The cold. I hate the freaking cold, Caroline Conaway slurred bitterly to herself as she trekked across campus on a November afternoon. Flakes of snow drifted from the sky and clung to her hair, her scarf, and her jacket that was obviously much too thin to be worn in such low degrees. As a result, the cold easily penetrated Caroline's skin and wrapped her in a icy chill that seemed inescapable.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I didn't hear that?"

Caroline rolled her eyes and glanced to Ingrid who stared at Caroline impatiently.

"I said I hate the cold. Whatever," Caroline muttered, quickening her step.

"What is up with you lately? You PMSing or something?"

"No, I'm not actually." Caroline drew her fingers to her hat to pull it more snugly against her numb ears.

"Then why are you in such a rotten mood?"

Caroline stopped abruptly when they'd arrived in front of the psychology department and glared at her brown-eyed friend. "Because I'm failing psychology class and now I have to talk to my professor about somehow getting my grades up. It's probably going to be some fricken extra credit thing."

Ingrid tossed her long, frizzy curls over her shoulder. "And this is a problem because . . .?"

Caroline's back slumped as she glanced upward. Did Ingrid really not understand the inconvenience it was to do extra credit while she had a million other things she needed to keep up with? "Because. I have to pack for my visit home this week and I really have no desire to see my family. At all."

"Why not?"

"Because. Well, number one, I hate Thanksgiving. Number two, my family's nuts."

Ingrid tossed Caroline a weary look and propped her hand on her hip. "They are not nuts. You told me your dad was a pastor."

"That's the point! Going to a fancy-pantsy Christian college doesn't make me a Christian, and they know that too. That's what's so irritating about them."

"Oh, come on. I'm sure they want wants best for you."

"They have no idea what's best for me," Caroline proclaimed indignantly as she barged through the old door.

Hey!! Thanks for reading!! If you are my fan because of Harry's Angel, thank you so much for reading this even though it's not a 1D fanfic <3 means a lot :D if you haven't read my fanfic and are here because you feel like it, thank you also!!

anyway, I'd love some feedback on this, including votes/comments/fans (:

love you all! <3 - ARogues

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