Imagine 1

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Italics is thoughts
Bold is author note
Double ** means it is giving date time place or setting
Just one * means it is describing a characters appearance, expression, action or tone
F/n is friend name
C/n is crush name
C/n/n is crush nickname
Y/n is your name
Y/n/n is your nickname
Y/f is your friend name
E/c is eye color
H/c is hair color

This is a story of how you and your crush will get together. Also in the previous school year you told c/n that you like him and he rejected you. But recently he has developed a crush on you. Also you have not gotten over him yet.

It is october y/n has been really sad lately. It was the week of the school dance c/n is gonna ask Y/n out.
POV: 3rd person

**C/n is talking to his friend Matthew**
"I think I am going to ask y/n to the dance" c/n said.
"Really? Do you think she even likes you after you rejected her last year?" Matthew said.
"You know I have no idea, but I hope she says yes." C/n says.
"Hey look there they are" *points towards y/f and Y/n*
"Oh ok ahh I am super nervous! If i don't do this now I never will!" C/n says to Matthew maybe i shouldn't do it what if she says no... no i have to ask her

**Y/f and Y/n**
"Are you going to the halloween dance?" Y/f says
"Idk i will if someone asks me or i have a friend going" y/n
* y/f taps shoulder* "Hey look it's C/n!" Y/f says excitedly.
"Stop it he doesn't like me!" Y/n says as she blushes
"Omg he is walking over here.... I am going to go to my locker, stay here!" Y/f says because she knows you will try to go with her to get out of being alone with your crush.
Really y/f ... ugh why does she do this?!...Ok you got this just...act normal! *y/n takes deep breath to calm self down*
"Hey Izzy!" C/n says Oh my god that sounded like I talk to her all the time! Why do I do these things to myself?!
"Hey! Whats up?" Y/n says as nonchalant as possible. OH MY GOD HE IS TALKING TO ME!!!!! This is weird why would he want to talk to me
"Nothing much, what about you?" C/n replies.
"Oh uh same with me" y/n says but accidentally made it clear she was sad.
"Are you ok?" C/n asks with worry in his tone. I wonder what's going on in that beautiful mind...
Before y/n answers him she takes a moment to decide the best answer. Ugh why did he have to ask that?... I can't lie to him so I'll just say "uhm I'll be fine. It's nothing important."
"Are you sure? You seemed pretty sad there for a sec." c/n asked.
"Yeah like I said it's not important." Ugh gosh why is he so caring?! This is so hard I just want to tell him but I can't bombard him with my problems!
"Okay well if you need to talk I'm here for you." C/n says sounding very genuine.
"Thanks." Y/n replies.
"Of course... uh would you maybe want to go to the dance with me?" C/n asks y/n Oh god oh god she will definitely say no.
"Wait what? Really? Yes! of corse!" Y/n said Did that just happen?? This has to be a dream it cant' be real..... Those glasses are cute... op well now i am looking at his gorgeous e/c eyes... snap out of it!
"Really?" Is this happening "Great! Uh let me get my phone from my locker and i will give you my number, so we can work out the details" C/n says.
"Ok!" C/n says.
**they walk to the lockers and retreve their phones**

"Here is my phone" y/n says *hands phone*
"Ok here is mine" C/n says *hands his phone to y/n*
**they exchange numbers**
"ok great i will text you later!" You say to c/n.
"Ok cool that sounds great" c/n says.
"Hey do you know if we dress up for this dance? Like in costumes?" You ask c/n curiously.
"You know i am not sure..." he replies.
"Ok" You say.
*as they both stand there talking they are staring into eachother's eyes getting lost*
Y/n: oh my god his eyes are the most beautiful thing i have ever seen i wonder what kissing him will be like... if we get that far.
C/n: wow her eyes are gorgeous. I wonder what she is thinking about....
Y/n: omg this is amazingly awkward
**bell rings**
"Well i better head to class" c/n says
"Yeah i better go mrs richards might not like me being late ha" you say. (Also I forgot to mention that in the previous year you had the same choir teacher but this year choir is split males and females)
"Yeah I don't think she would like you being late when there is plenty of time to get there.. hahaha well uh Bye talk to you later" c/n says
"Ya talk later" you reply

**they both go to class with a big smile on their face while blushing all the way there**

** fast forward to the dance**

*y/n arrives at the dance 5 mins early c/n is already there*
* y/n is wearing a cute outfit that she thought c/n would like. C/n  was wearing nice jeans and a nice shirt that complimented his eyes*
"Hey C/n!" *you look really really nervous and are blushing*
"Hey Y/n- Wow you look really nice!" C/n says.
"You think so?" Y/n says.
Riley: yes! i think you look really pretty in that dress not that you don't look pretty all the time." C/n rambles.
"Thank you!" Y/n says.
"Your very welcome" c/n says. oh my freaking gosh she looks so hot... i want to kiss her so freaking bad
"F/n just texted me that she is here lets go find her" you say.
"ok sounds good" c/n says
*C/n walks close to her and gets the nerve to grab her hand*
*y/n  notices they are holding hands and freaks out inside*
omg omg omg omg omg he is holding my hand AHHH

After you find your friends and his you all have a good time! After the dance you guys go on a date and become official!

A/n thanks for reading hope you liked it! I have more to come! Requests are open.
Word count: 1198

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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