🤖 Asano Gakushuu

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-He doesn't really watch tv, but if he does, it's probably going to be a  documentary.

-He is subscribed to every Crash Course type channel, and even considered starting one himself.

-That is until he learned that Gakuho has a teaching channel that does VERY well.

-He and the other virtuosos play an online shooter in an international server to practice thier language skills on the weekends.

-His team dominates.

-Karma eventually found out, and threatened Seo to let him join.

-The two compete over kills. The other team never had a chance.

-He doesn't enjoy stories/fiction at all, and it reflects into his history grades, which are his lowest.

-This man is filthy rich, and it shows in his wardrobe.

-He can't flount his wealth at school because of uniforms, but with his influence, the rules changed to allow students to wear watches to keep the time.

-His watch costs more than a small house.

-This man may not like history, but his bain is philosophy and ethics.

-However, he excells at psychology.

-He has no siblings, but Sakikibara lives in the house right next to him.

-They grew up together.

-Thier mom's still meet for tea every Tuesday morning.

-His mom is the stay-at-home type.

-She has a garden that Gakushuu studies in when the weather is cloudy.

-He still uses the tire swing his dad put up when he was little.

-If anyone asks him about it, he will deny it.

-If there's a can of whip cream in the fridge, he would use a spoon and small bowl instead of pouring it directly into his mouth.

-And no, not one of his friends will say anything because they genuinely like and respect him.

-He sucks at art. He's trying to figure out, and even went to art classes. He can draw basic shapes, but after that, it becomes to stressful-

-because this man is a perfectionist.

-If anyone moves anything in his room, he wont say anything, but they won't be allowed back in.

-Sakikibara found this out the hard way when he was little and got banned from Gakushuu's room for 6 months.

-He says his favorite color is purple because of the royal status it used to represent when in reality it's actually pink.

-He likes the boldness of it, but refuses to let anyone know.

-Nothing he owns is pink. He admires it from afar.

-Well, except for the pencil he 'found on the floor'.

-No one gets to borrow his pink pencil.

-Every October he switches to a pink phone case with the breast cancer awareness ribbon on it.

-One of his pens has pink ink, but he never uses it for anything that someone else will see.

-He doesn't keep a diary or journal. He perfers to keep his emotions private.

-He does however keep an updated itinerary on his phone.

-Gakushuu finds wearing things in support of something to be unimportant. I mean, why show support when you can actually support something. (Unless it's school apparel. He goes to Kunikigouka, and wants to make sure everyone knows that it's the best since he doesn't settle. (He also wants scouts to know where he is.))

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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