Magic Ballerina ( Part 3 ) - Delphie and the Magic Ballet Shoes

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Madame Za-Za said something to the girls and left the room. The class carried on working. Feeling very happy, Delphie continued to copy them. It was almost like being in there. The, suddenly, the front door swung open and a voice called out. "You, girl! What are you doing? 

Delphie jumped in shock and swung round. She had been concentrating so hard on the dancing that she hadn't heard it opening. It was Madame Za-Za standing on the top step, staring at her!

Delphie froze to the spot. "I...I'm really sorry! I just wanted to have a look."

"Come here, child!" Madame Za-Za called.

And with just a moment's hesitation, Delphie hurried up the steps.

"What is your name?" Madame Za-Za said

"Delphie Durrand." Delphie felt tears prickling her eyes. She was sure she was about to be told off. She blinked quickly - she hated crying in front of people.

"I saw you throught the window," Madame Za-Za said to her. "Where do you learn ballet?"

Delphie was suprised by the question. "I...I don't go to classes," she answered. "I just read about it in books and practise at home."

"I see." Madame Za-Za looked at her for a moment. "Well why don't you come in?"

"Come in?" Delphie echoed.

Madame Za-Za nodded. "It's cold out here and I think you would like to see around. Am I right?"

"Yes!" Delphie gasped. I'd love to see inside."

"Come, then."

Walking in a daze, Delphie followed Madame Za-Za inside the school. They went down the warm, brightly lit corridor. "Here we have the dance studios," Madame Za-Za explained, pointing to two rooms, one on either side.

"Wow!" Delphie breathed.

Madame Za-Za looked thoughtfully at her "Do you have ballet shoes, child?"

"No," Delphie replied. She always just danced in bare feet.

( What is Madame Za-Za planning to do with Delphie? Will Delphie get to attend Madame Za-Za's ballet school? - wait until I post the next part of the story. Until then, BYE )

From Januli ( I am the other owner of this account ) :D

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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