beginning and end

27 4 11


written by ;; taegyutistic

📍. . . .

Yeonjun was walking by the street of Seoul. Couples can be seen anywhere, holding each other's hands. Families were happily walking by each other's sides too.

Its that time of the year again- or should we say, the last day of the year.

He remember about 2 years ago, it was december 31st too when he stumbled upon an old woman. And what she said left a great impact on yeonjun's life

'You need to kiss your soulmate when the clock strikes at 12 and a new year comes, if you wont, you'll get stucked in a loop'

'And oh, wait for him to be an adult too, before kissing him'

Those were the grandma's words. Its been 2 years, he doesn't know if she's saying the truth or just scaring him. Afterall she's just an old woman.

But that statement never left his mind. And so every December 31, he waits. He dont know why, or how he would find his soulmate.

But he chose to believe, and wait.

Yeonjun stopped on his tracks when he saw a boy sitting at a bench under a cherry blossom tree. On his hand was a box of what seems to be a cake.

'He looks like an angel, so pretty'

Yeonjun thought.

The said boy was wearing a white jacket, with a white polo underneath it. His bouncy black hair seems to follow with his elegant moves as he looks at his left, and then right as if waiting for someone.

Just right then, yeonjun and the boy's eyes locked. As the boy stares at him, yeonjun coughs and continued walking, as if nothing happened.

He looked back and saw the boy looking at his wrist watch, stands up and then walked away.

Yeonjun had a feeling of following the boy, he don't know why, he doesn't even know him.

But before he could even catch up to him, fiery sparks started whipping the sky, bursting through the night, brilliant inks of light on a canvas of stars.

Captured like a photograph, burning colours etch into yeonjun's mind, and so the pretty boy's face.

"Another year has passed... another year has come" he whispered

He was about to continue walking when waves of heat suddenly coursed through his blood, a cold sweat glistened in his gaunt features. His eyes sunken and his skin sallow, everything ached, everything sagged.

His surroundings felt like being swallowed by some kind of black hole. Then nausea crept from his abdomen to his head, then his world went black.

The moment yeonjun opened his eyes, he was standing in the middle of the streets. It felt deja vu, he have seen it before... then the old woman's words suddenly rang on his head

'You need to kiss your soulmate when the clock strikes at 12 and a new year comes, if you wont, you'll get stucked in a loop'


Yeonjun mumbled under his breath.

His breathing became rapid and shallow. He can also feel his pulse pounding on his temples.

And so he ran, like the winter breeze colliding into inanimate objects and crashing waves hitting the shore line.

Like eagles soaring across indigo skies and a herd of cheetahs racing through verdant meadows. His bouncy, blue coloured hair whipped up and down above his head like a fiery tale.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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