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Kitty looked up, her big hazel eyes widened in alarm.

"What do you mean she was hit by a bus?" Kitty didn't understand in her shocked state. Surely She hadn't been. Maybe it was a prank call? Yes, that must be it.

"Kitty, she was hit by a bus." Anna fumed, pulling on a coat and picking up her bag. "I need to go." She said firmly. It didn't matter that she had broken up with Clarissa, or that Clarissa had hit her repeatedly. She needed to see Clarissa.


"Anyway, I'm going. You coming?" Anna asked Kitty, who was hurriedly pulling on some docs.

"Yes, yes, I'm coming," Kitty murmured before following Anna out of the house and flagging down a taxi. They sat in silence as the black cab snaked through the busy streets of London, pulling up outside the Royal London Hospital. Anna leapt out of the car and into the reception, leaving Kitty to fumble in her pockets for change to give the driver. She thanked her and headed after Anna, who was being lead down a corridor. Kitty sat outside of the room as Anna headed in to see Clarissa. She paced the halls nervously.

Anna winced at the bright light. She saw Clarissa lying on the bed, keeping her eyes closed, matching her breaths to the beeping of the machines that surrounded the bed, the only indication of a heartbeat, her existance. Anna looked around at the dismal magnolia coloured hospital room, the door a navy blue. She caught an eye of Clarissa's chart.

Clarissa Kirk.

Status: Critical

Admission time: 8:42am

Cause of Admission: Road accident

Anna gulped and sat by Clarrissa's bed, resting her hand on Clarissa's.

"Hey Clarrie," She whispered, smiling as Clarissa's eyes opened a little. She wasn't in love with Clarissa anymore, but she couldn't quite bring herself to hate her.

"Mmmmpphhhh..... Anna... Issorry..." Tears filled her eyes.

"What for?" She asked, trying not to get emotional.

"Everything. For lying to you."

"What did you lie about?" She said, her voice shaking.

"I thought I loved you. I tried so God damn hard. So hard. And it absolutely broke me when I realised that I never did, and never had."

"Wha-What!" Anna whispered, shocked. "I... I don't understand..." Clarissa, despite being weak, rolled her eyes.

"If you must know, I found my old boyfriend Logan cheating on me. Being the lovely, genuine, fake person he was, he pinned it all on me and used sexuality as an insult. Saying I was dumb and gay, telling me to go and find a girlfriend. He cut it off and I started to doubt my own sexual orientation. And therefore I went to the pride parade and met you. And then everything changed. I tried so hard, all of the dates, all of the gifts. I thought it was working. I wanted it to work so badly. I wanted to be loved. By someone. My parents sent me away to boarding school to get rid of me. I met Logan and I was happy for a while. I met you and I thought I was. And then I met Henry. I'm so sorry. I was cheating on you. It made me happy. He made me feel loved when you didn't. Before... the bus hit me, I was half hoping I could jump in front of it. But I stepped back and got hit by a drunk bus driver. I am not going to lie, I didn't think you would even come. All you care about is Kitty." A lone tear slid down Anna's cheek.

"You... you.... I can't believe you..." Anna whispered. Clarissa shook her head.

"I Know... I... I just needed to tell you before...." Anna looked up in alarm as a machine bleeped frantically and she was ushered out of the room by several official looking nurses. Kitty stood up expectantly and Anna put a fake smile on her face.

"Hey Kitty," She said brightly.

"Is everything ok? I saw the doctors running in..." Kitty whispered anxiously. She didn't even like Clarissa, but when someone gets hit by a bus, you kinda feel sorry for them. "You've been crying." she pointed out. " There is something wrong."

"Clarissa is fine." Anna said bitterly. "And now we are leaving." Kitty didn't question her and followed behind as Anna angrily pushed open the doors and stormed to the park, before breaking down on a bench and letting angry, pent up tears fall. Kitty rested a tentative hand on her shoulder and Anna leaned into her tiny frame.
"I know I won't be much help and you can tell me to go away if you would like, but you can tell me anything that's on your mind" Kitty whispered, her arms wrapped around a sobbing Anna.
"She was cheating...She wanted to die... she never loved me... she never loved me Kitty. " Anna sobbed quietly. "What is it about me that is so difficult to love? Why do people always leave me?" Anna continued to let the tears fall. She hadn't let herself cry in a long time. A very long time. Kitty looked stricken and her eyes were shining with hints of tears.
"Never say that. You are the funniest, smartest, fiercest person I have ever met. She may not love you, but people do. And I know this is incredibly insensitive of me at  this time but I love you. I have since the first time I saw you and ordered a cinnamon roll frappuccino from you. You're always on my mind. And you need to be able to see yourself the way I see you. Even if you don't like me back." Kitty said tearfully. Anna tried to smile. She didn't like Kitty in that way... or did she? There was no way it could happen after this. Kitty stroked Anna's hair and took a deep breath. She leaned down to kiss Anna's temple just as her phone buzzed. She looked at it. Anna found an email from the hospital.

Text: we are so sorry Anna. We did all we could.

Anna burst into tears as her whole world crumbled around her

𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐔𝐏𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐍 𝐔𝐒 ~ 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now