Chapter 2

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"I guess you're old enough to think like a grownup. You won't believe me, but everything and I mean everything will come out of my mouth would be true." Dad sighed rubbing his face with his hands. Xander swallowed his saliva, not knowing what he was going to say or how he is going to react.

"I don't think you will remember, since you were like three or four at that time. I have told you that your mother went on a vacation that it will make it difficult for her to come back to us, and you really believed me, making me keep that answer as it is." He paused and looked at the ground "But in reality she can't come back, since she was killed" Xander eyes widen hearing those words just spin around in his head. The questions that Xander had just piled and piled up each time with his thoughts. "I know your just thinking, "How did she die?", and I will tell you how...."Xander stared at his dad with deep thought, "I killed her-I killed your own mom Xander. Just don't hate me but it was too late to even save her."

The only thing that I was able to do is to stay silent. We both left the pizzeria and walked home, like nothing has happened. Dad just continued on his life, while Xander's head roared with sinful words tugging on his throat. Xander dropped his bad and started to walk up the stairs, stopping in between and then walked back down.

"What happens if there was a chance to save her?!?" Dad's back just faced Xander. "You never explain how she got killed by you. You just told me that she didn't have time. Are you trying to hide the truth that you were the one who just murder her without the thought of her leaving a child? Even the principle, can see that you can't take care of your own child!!"Xander watched his Dad slam a fist on the table counter of the kitchen and quickly faced his child that was filled with anger.

"Fine. We were in a fight and that's all-but I can see that you can't handle these types of conversations. Don't you even dare mention that whore. You are the problem-I try and try to go to work, but just to be called from your school to pick yo up for two days suspension or even a meeting. The money that I'm trying to earn for our survival is going away slowly-each time I get out of work. "Dad took a deep sigh "Xander, just go up to your room and stop causing a shitty problem out of what I said"

Xander stomped his foot on the ground, "I'm not causing a problem. I just found out that my dad is a murder an-"

"Got to your fucking room, Xander!!!"Dad screamed watching Xander stomp his feet up the stairs with a big slam that came from his room.

Xander went to his desk, turning on his laptop and got on a skype call with Fernando. "You look pretty down. I thought you were going to be happy that we are away from school for two days "Xander watched Fernando tap his pencil on his desk. "Just some bullshit happened-nothing bad. But...."Xander stayed silent thinking if he was able to trust his friend. He is his best friend for three years and nothing could go wrong, if he tells him.

"Fernando-Can I tell you something? Xander frowned watching Fernando shake his head from the other side of the screen. "I just found out that my mom was never by my side, because my dad was the one who made her leave this life. Xander shuddered with the thought that he grew up with a murder.

"Woah-I thought you were going to talk about how you got a girl pregnant. That's just gone really downhill" They both stayed silent making both of their conversation really awkward."Um-Xander...Why don't you get some rest and we will talk when we go back to school. Xander nodded "Yeah, see you Fernando" Xander ended the call and quickly threw himself onto his bed. He wasn't able to sleep the whole night, with the noise that came from the kitchen from his drank father whose bottles just cling each time he got a new one.

Dad just drank every time when he had a bad day. Today was a bad day for Dad, including Xander who doesn't even know how to make everything normal again between him and his father.

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