per celebrationem • sanhyuk

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A pan was sizzling, together with music playing loudly in the background. Hands worked diligently as they cut through some vegetables, small enough that it was almost minced - but it wasn't anything to worry about, since the person who'd be eating it detested vegetables and, this way he wouldn't be able to know. Body swaying with the music, mouthing the words at first before slowly belting it out, the fact that there were no other people in the dorm gave him confidence that he wouldn't be disturbing anyone. Eyes looked at the time, nodding their head in approval with the two more hours left before his person would be back from his schedule. The dorm was theirs for a few hours that night - others were out on schedules, or was it dates? He couldn't remember and frankly, he couldn't quite care.

Minhyuk hummed as he dropped the rest of the minced vegetables, potato and onions alike, to the pan. He shook the pan and sauteed it, flipping it with the skills he learned a while back - food flying mid-air before turning perfectly and back on the pan. A different song came on, suddenly more upbeat and urged him to dance. He swayed and moved, as much as he could while cooking. With his back towards the entrance of the kitchen, he didn't notice a person entering. With the music blasting, he didn't even know that someone came home. Said person, smiled softly at the sight, eyes endeared at the scene - it felt domestic and instead of calling out to Minhyuk, he leaned against the entryway and watched until the other finished. Before the song could reach its end, the person couldn't take it anymore and instead left where he leant and walked quietly to his unsuspecting victim.

Minhyuk was lost to his own world, and he just turned down the heat to let it glaze when he felt arms wrapping around him. He immediately recognized the firm warmth and their height difference, the person's head settling on his shoulder, lips close to his ear as they whispered, "I'm home."

"Ddana!" Minhyuk exclaimed, his own arms encircling the arms around him and leaning against the younger's chest. "I thought you won't be here until later? You ruined my surprise."

Sanha's giggle echoed in his ear, the sound he'd want to listen for the rest of his life.

"I finished early. I didn't text you because I wanted to see you cook!"

Minhyuk turned off the stove and spun in his arms to look up at his tall boyfriend, and pouted. "But it's supposed to be a surprise though."

Sanha leaned down to peck his cheek. "I'm sorry...but I want to make sure you aren't poisoning my-"

Minhyuk smacked his shoulder. "Ya! why are you so rude?"

Sanha stepped back and laughed. "Just kidding! Okay, I'll freshen up then come back down so you can finish. Is that better?"

Minhyuk scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Fine, whatever." The younger gave him cute eyes, and the rapper bit his lip before smiling. "Go! I still need to do the rice!"

Sanha nodded and walked out of the kitchen, before Minhyuk called out to him again, making him turn.

"I'm glad you're home early."

Sanha grinned as Minhyuk immediately turned around and went back to cooking the rest of the meal.

After eating, the two headed off to their bedroom, deciding to have a movie marathon while waiting for the others to get home - it was only nine, after all. They stayed in Minhyuk's bed, foregoing Sanha's. The movie they picked was Parasite, one that they've watched already but decided to rewatch again because it was that good. As the ending credits rolled on, Minhyuk couldn't help but chuckle softly at his giant baby. Sanha had fallen asleep, using his chest as his pillow, soft snores leaving him every few breaths. He leaned down and pressed a kiss on his forehead before carefully moving the laptop away. It was fifteen minutes till midnight, and as he yawned, he took his phone to answer some texts from his friends - birthday messages alike. He forgot he was turning twenty two in just a few minutes. How time flies.