A strange castle

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"So,...What do you wanna know about me?" Lemmy asks while jump-walking the way to the guest room.

"First of...I wanna know where I am? I mean this whole building looks so...royal and huge!"

"Oh that,! Lemmy makes a hand waving symbolizing it as the fact would be nothing

"-You are here in a castle standing in lava."

Vulpido stops.

A castle in lava...should I hyperventilate after I screamed or before?


Yup. Definitely after screaming...

Vulpido's breaths go faster as Lemmy tries to calm her down

"Hey, it's ok, the castle may isn't the youngest anymore but it is really safe and stable! ...Ok, we have to renovate it basically the whole time but that is mainly the fault of Mario so...ok maybe a bit fault cause the building is old..."

"...Sh-sh-Should that make me feel saver?" She mutters under her hyperventilating

"Yeah! It is safe here! This castle survived soooooooooooooo many attacks!"


"Yeah, there is no chance that it collapse yet."

"O-Oh-Ok..." Vulpido nodes with her head, this is all too much for the moment.

"Good! So, over there is the guestroom!" Lemmy interprets over to a door and then starts to run towards the door, leaving an out-of-breath Vulpido behind.

"Wait!"  Even tho the fox-girl could wonderfully see Lemmy, she feels uncomfortable to wander around in these halls, not knowing where she is because the facts she is knowing are not telling her anything.

Ok, stay focused, it is a castle in Lava...that's normal against other things...I guess...it really sucks not to remember things...I just want to go home...wherever that is...Oh, I am stranded here until I know where I came from.

the young lady trots after Lemmy who already stormed into the chamber.

Not knowing what is inside she timidly peeks inside, after she made sure there is no one but Lemmy she steps in.

Ah...looks...pretty good, I mean, it's ok...actually a shame for a castle. I mean I would have imagined the guest rooms in castles more luxurious, bigger and, friendly, but take what you get right? It is better than sleep somewhere else...

"You know, normally some of the servants are sleeping here...so I have no idea why they gave you that room."

That explains everything...ok, I am starting to feel bullied in here from everyone but Lemmy. I mean how did this day started? Right! I woke up and Lemmy told me I got knocked out by a five-year-old, I mean how? why? I am a grown woman and I let myself get ko-ed by a child...this is more than pathetic...Then I could take a look at Lemmy's wonderful sister Wendy who REALLY treated me like a queen and know Lemmy is telling me that I get the seemingly most f*cked up guest room in the entire castle...I guess they are having problems against humans...or fox-humans...Wow, I am stuck in a castle full of racists...Could the day get any better besides the fact I don't remember anything?... Ok, no...I shouldn't be like that, I mean I am the stranger here and they even give me someplace to stay and I am thinking about them like they would be trash...I should stop that ungratefulness in my head. I should think optimistic! Like Lemmy!

"Here is the bathroom!" The little Koopa yells out of the bathroom.

When Vulpido walked inside she instantly placed herself in front of the mirror.

Her eyes are a beautiful wood-brown.

They seem fitting to her strong orange-colored ears on her head and her royal-blue extremely curly and long-lasting hair.

Her skin is a bit pale...but that was probably the hospital-robe she wore and the eye-hurting white light from above.

This is what I look like...I seem so familiar...well, I am me...I know me...and I can't completely forget me, I am just happy I recalled something...Maybe if I see something I knew before, I recall even more! Hm...I should ask Lemmy to show me around, maybe I meet something I 'know'

When Vulpido notices the water tap, she thinks over washing her face, to refresh her face, which can be calming too.

Just when she turns it on ready to hold her hands under the water, Lemmy begins to scream and push her away, to the ground.


"Uff...that was close..." Lemmy sings in relive.

"URGH!" Vulpido only sees stars dancing around her.

"What was that for, Lemmy? ...O-O...Is the water poisoned?"

"What? Noooooooo, it is just that you would have burned your hand!"

"...-_- Wat?"

"The castle is surrounded by lava so the water is SUPER hot, it even would be hot for me, even though I am a reptile but this room is empty since a long time now, and no one turned on the water cooler in weeks, so it is HOT, and you didn't even activate the cooler so...I saved you!"

This castle is the only danger...

"Ok...Can you get off now?"

"OH, yeah, sorry!"

"And, just that you know, we washed your clothes! And if you need a towel, in the little dresser are some! So, I have to go now, or Dad is gonna be mad. So, when you are done eating search for someone and say that you HAVE TO go to the dining room where I am, ok? I will introduce you to him!"


Lemmy jumps up and stormes out of the room and slamming the door behind him.

Ok...Do I really want to meet his family...well, they let me stay here...They can't be all like Wendy...I guess they are all more like Lemmy! Yeah, nice, funny, sweet, and innocent. What should they do? I guess they are wonderful people!


Authors note:

I don't know what to say cause I just got hurt emotionally(please no sympathy, that may make people give some ideas...)  but I wrote this before and now it is done...I know it's short. I am sorry.

Plus, I have the feeling this chapter is bad...I dunno maybe cause I feel bad. Lol.

Have a nice day! (Unlike me XD this is actually everything else then funny but take it like that)


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