Chapter 2: Great_Day

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Original art by :Toastiee/@_Toastieee on twitter!

Have some calming music


I shifted from the floor and stood up, only to be faced by three operative's, Radiant_Day, Unstable_Day, and Unpredictable_Day. There were all wearing a black gas mask with a black uniform, while they had a wristband, each placed with different colors. ( Unstable is blue, Unpredictable is orange, and Radiant is brown) I rubbed my head and straighten out my outfit.

" What time is it?" I asked.

Unpredictable rolled up his sleeves and looked at his watch," 6:30 AM". My left eye twitched a little. I would have been comfortable if I had slept more, my sleeping schedule is horrible.

" Sorry for interrupting your little [NAP]! But we are [ADVISED] to head back towards the city! The [SUPREME LEADER] will love to meet you! Don't worry though, you'll get to sleep afterwards! [CUTIE]," Radiant_Day said, poking my nose.

Unpredictable rolls his eyes in annoyance. He clearly doesn't like Radiant's comments.

" Don't make our guest feel [UNCONFORTABLE], Radiant_Day," Unpredictable says, poking Radiant's back with his gun.

Radiant nervously chuckles and places his arm around Unpredictable. " But, I can't help it! She's just so [CUTE]!" He exclaimed.

Cute? Oh, he's making my stomach nervous and I don't like that. This sudden affection is making me want to bang my head against a window. Oh, too far. I thought. (Real)


I nervously shift and grew a bit flustered from their comments. Unpredictable noticed my body language and says," Well, then, enough of [THIS], let's get a move on, before Scary_Day comes for our [ASSES] for being so late," he states.

The two nodded their head and Radiant_Day pulls out a blindfold. " Like last [TIME], you have to put this on, but don't worry! I'll guide you back to the [CITY]," Radiant claims, wrapping the blindfold around my head.

Once I was blinded I could feel Radiant's hand clutching onto mine as he guides me through the city. I could feel the cold wind flowing through my body and yet I felt warm. After a few minutes of walking,I was yet again brought into some room. I removed my blindfold to see myself in some house, but it was much larger than the other residence houses. I looked around to see only half of the operatives were here, they were probably on patrol. The Supreme Leader pulls up a chair and places his hand on it. He motions me to sit down, which I obligated.

" Hello there, Ms.L/N," Great_Day said.

" Hello, it's a honor to meet you, sir," I said, shifting my position.

Most of the operatives had looked around at me in suspicion, I know that one of them probably want to kill me, go figure.

" I have heard some [THINGS] about you, Ms.L/N, it's not common for a [CIVLIAN] to fight back against a [NIGHT] and you had claimed that you were apart of the [MYTH HUNTERS], correct? Weither [CIVLIAN] or [NOT] you still had bravery and courage, but that doesn't mean that you are [OFF THE HOOK], you trespassed the city past [CURFEW] and [TRESSPASSED], you should consider yourself lucky that my [OPERATIVES] hadn't shot you on [SIGHT]," He states.

I rubbed my head and nodded in agreement. " Yes, I understand, but I wasn't really informed on your rules here, normally I would be sent off with a file with the slightest information, but it's my job to get more information whenever I'm doing an investigation, but I completely understand if you're willing to punish me," I said.

" One of my [OPERATIVES] have contacted your [BOSS] about your [PRESENCES] here, but I'm willing to give you an offer, " Great_Day said.

Oh, I have a feeling where this is going. I thought.

" I noticed on how [OBIDENT] and [STRAIGHTFORWARD] you are, your [COMBAT SKILLS] are not the greatest, but I think it would be nice to have someone like [YOU] on our [TEAM], how would you like it to work for The Days Union?" He asked.

Work here, but leave my job? I like being a Roblox Myth Hunter, but now that I think of it, working here will be a huge benefit for HQ, so I might as well agree. I thought.

" Oh, well, I seemingly don't have a choice do I? Then, I accept your offer, but I need to let my boss know, before I contribute to this," I said, reaching into my pockets.

My phone. It's gone, they took it? Damn it, that was my only way for communication. I wonder if they have any cellphones? I asked myself.

Radiant_Day then comes over to me and pulls out something from his pocket, it was my phone.

" Sorry there! But we have to [CONFISCATE] this for a while, but don't [WORRY]! We already told your [BOSS] about everything, so you'll be staying here for a long [TIME]~," He said, winking at me.

Great, they were already one step ahead of me, but I guess a little extra money wouldn't hurt. I thought again.

" I see, so, where should I work at? " I asked.

Great_Day leans downwards and picks up a breifcase, he sets it on the table and opens it. It was document about me?

" Operative [EMOTIONLESS_DAY] had managed to find a [FEW] things about you. It says here that you had excelled in [SCHOOL] quite well. It appears that [MATH] and [ENGLISH] are your best subjects, but [SCIENCE] not so much, I believe it would best if you worked at our office," Great_Day implys.

An office, oh, sounds incredible boring and Dreadful, but again, what choice do I have? I questioned.

" My parents, have you contacted them? I live with them down on Earth, Flåm, Norway," I said.

" Norway? I didn't see anything about [NORWAY] in this [DOCUMENT], yet where it is [FROM], but I will do my best to track down this [NORWAY] and contact your [CARETAKERS]," Great_Day said.

" I understand, thank you," I said, standing from my chair.

I watched as the other operatives began to form a circle around me, like if they were my bodyguards, I cracked my knuckles and was escorted from the building.

This is my new home now, how pleasant . I hope you get to see this, mom. I thought.

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