Plastic Perspective

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Ok, so this is just a science paper that our class had to write. Though not real sure if you call this "science". I was bored, so I decided to post it here, I don't expect anyone to read it, its just here for my own amusement.


Drifting, waiting, nothing. The sound of the waves filled his ears. For entertainment, he could only think back to his earlier memories. He had once had a master. He had been used to hold only the purest of water. He would strut around showing off his wrapper to everyone. "Only the richest can afford me," he said aloud for all to hear. Now those words echoed back in his ears. "Richest.... richest....", the waves hummed to him. One day, someone had bought him, it felt wonderful to feel the cool touch of a master for the first time. As he was scanned and carried into 'The Out', he heard, he heard the total, 98 cents the giant that scanned him has said. 98 cents, he now thought in amazement, and despair. "98... 98..." the waves echoed his thoughts.

At one time he would have said those were the best years of his life. On that shelf. Living the lie that only the richest could afford him, but that would also be a lie. No bottle can remember being made as you can't remember being born. It's only when you are put on display do you remember it. A bottle has the strongest memory, but its memory is not full of great memories. He can remember when he was bought off the shelf. He can remember being drank. He remembers the feeling of contentment. That feeling of finally being full. He could remember when he was thrown. Thrown off the side of the deck. That deck that looked over the water.

When they first met the water was welcoming. "come, come join your brother and sisters," it whispered soothingly to him. But now that had been two years ago. He no longer felt the same contentment that he had felt, and his beautiful bottle was reduced to a shard. Bent, dented and collapsing in on himself. That contentment had slowly left him, replaced with loneliness. The water was his only company. Flowing throughout him, all around him, there was no way to avoid it. The water carried him on his own current, making him spin around and around. On a journey only the waves and surf knew. The water was deceitful. While the bottle's brothers and sisters were also in this endless current, the water would spin him, positioning him towards an untraveled path and he often was alone. "special, special and shiny," the current whispered to him.

Though the ocean was the home to many plants and creatures, it was selfish. It kept only the shiniest and prettiest of things. The waters opened its arms to the trash of the world, things that humans had forgotten. The bottle had come to realize this sitting there and waiting. Waiting for now 5 years. He didn't know what he was waiting for, but the ocean always told him to. It wasn't like he had a choice in the matter, there was nothing that he could do except for wait and the ocean knew this. The ocean taunted him. She told him words that she could hear from the humans. For it was always plastic's desire to be back with them. Even though humans had thrown him out, surely If they cared they would scoop him out of this deep, and treacherous void, and take him somewhere where he belonged.  

Plastic PerspectiveWhere stories live. Discover now