Chapter 2

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How to save a life - The Fray

Jessica Alba as Kenna Tolmon


Chapter 2

Kadir turns the engine off and sits back in his seat. He looks through the window beside him and watches the people inside exercise on the various equipment. At the far back corner in a boxing ring, does he see the person he's come all this way for. Sighing at how hard she's punishing that punching bag, Kadir gets out of his Mercedes-Benz C218 CLS-Class sports car. Pushing open the doors to Armidale's fitness centre, Anytime Fitness, he walks over to the reception desk and leans on it, watching his mission.

"How's she doing?" Kadir whispers. The staff behind the desk lifts his head and looks to the entertainment of the young man. The papers in his hands stilled of their shuffling.

"She's here ever since she came back. 10am to 7pm. Usually stays till ten minutes after closing time. She's been pushing herself really hard. Harder than I've ever seen her do. Takes us ages to get her to leave or even rest and rejuvenate." Roland turns his gaze back to his acquaintance. "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know just yet. Probably sit her down and force her to see reality again." Kadir answers unknowingly.

"You know she needs the help badly, right?" The veteran doesn't say anything except nod as he pushes himself from his leaning position against the counter. Walking over to the boxing ring, he ducks under the ropes before straightening again.

She was sweating. Her body, though still presenting her feminine muscles, was leaner than usual. Her hair was pasted to her scalp from perspiration, her sports bra and shorts tight against the straining muscles underneath, and her fists, bound in white gauze and tape, were red and raw with blood soaked into the bandages.

Leaning down, Kadir grabs a pair of blocking gloves from one of the corners. Putting them on, he goes closer to the determined female.

"Kenna." He calls. No answer. Not even a hint that she heard him. Taking another step, he notices the ear buds in her ears, 'How to save a life' by 'The Fray' echoing faintly from it.

Coming up with a new plan of action, he puts his gloved hands in front of her and waves a bit to get the message across. Kenna holds up one hand and he retracts his hands. She throws one more punch at the bag before taking out her earphones and turning around. Upon seeing her work partner, her mouth curves upright, though, Kadir notices, doesn't reach her eyes. She throws her arms around him and buries her face in his neck, saying a muffled 'Kadir'. The boy smiles and squeezes her back. After a moment, Kenna steps back and breaks their contact.

"What are you doing here? Did you even call or go to my house first?" She questions him at rapid fire. Kadir just lifts his eyebrow which brings a sigh of defeat. "You know me two well."

The boy chuckles, throws his arm around her shoulders and start taking the blocking gloves off, throwing them back into the corner. Moving Kenna towards the edge of the ring, he offers:

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