chat names

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Some characters I will not add because there is alot of characters but here are the people who are in here.

Neagi: PowerBottomEgg

Togami: RichyRichSquare

(No no don't touch me there, this is my richy rich square)

Kirigiri: Mum,Dad'sNotBreathing

Chihiro: FuckMarioSunshine

Junko (the real one): ImTheRealPopeeThePreformer

Nagito: IDrinkHajimesPee

Hajime: IPeeOrangeJuice

Chiaki: ChihiroIsRightFuckMarioSunshine

Kazuichi: Simp4Gundham

Sonia: SofiaTheFirst

Gundham: IFrickedACanOfSouda

Hiyoko: ICrapOutSandals

Mahiru: CamerasAndGunsMakeTheSameSound

Ibuki: ILickedTheNursesNoNo

Mikan: Johnson&JohnsonBandaids

Teruteru: MmmmSausage

Peko: CuzMyNameIsCoryKenshin

Fuyuhiko: BossBaby

Kokichi: Ratatouille

Shuichi: SherlockHomo

Rantaro: AvacodosArePeopleToo

Gonta: IHulkSmashCrickets

Keade: FleaWaltz

Miu: Boomx4

Himiko: UrAWizardHarry

Kaito: HeySisters

Maki: IEatBabiesForALiving

Ryoma: MidgetsHaveRights

Kiibo: Robotsdohavepps

Kirumi: Kokichi'sMum

I think that's it if there's anymore I wanna add I'll add.

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