The Bourne Uprising

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a woman walked out of a cabin wearing a hat and scarf to protect her from the cold wind. her arms protected by her jumper and legs protected by her jeans. She forced her way through the sheet of snow to the invisible runway. as light snow began to fall she watched for an aircraft, which came shortly. taking her radio from her belt she listened to the incoming signal.

"we are 5 minutes away prepare for company"

The woman lit up a flare she had been holding in her hand and waved it above her head slowly, acting as the beacon. The aircraft soon approached and landed right in front of her. She walked around the side as the door opened and three men came out carry two bags each. they studied the woman as they reached the bottom. She remained silent, turning her back and leading the way to the Cabin.

They got inside and things became awkward as the silence continued. the men looked around familiarising themselves.

"This will be your home for the next few days. you will continue you healthy diets and live here until told otherwise"

"My name's Aaron, this is Tom and Patrick"

"I am here to make sure you stay in check, feed you and keep you equipped with meds"

"Thank you, miss?"

she glanced at them all before continuing "rest, eat and sleep. you continue your training tomorrow"

"we are not tired"

"I'm just doing my job" She sighed as she cocked a pistol and picked up her bag on route to the door.

"where are you going?" Tom dropped his bag on the table

"going on a supply run" She continued walking until she was out the door and out of sight. the men looked at each other and then sat down. Nina walked into the wooded area and out into an open untouched patch of snow where she lit a flare and waved it above her head. The sound of an aircraft echoed closer to her until it was directly over head and an object was dispatched down to her via a parachute. The well secured container landed softly in the snow and Nina went over to unlock and empty it. The suspected usual load was replaced with a note and half as many supplies as required.


"Nina focus" a man tapped her shoulder

"hmm what?" Nina glanced at him and then at the computer

"pay attention, i didn't hire you to day-dream" he sighed and took control of the mouse again "now you enter the data here" Nina did so "then press that key" Nina pressed the indicated button and the machine behind the computer made some noise before altering itself to the new instructions entered into its computer. "like so, don't let it over-flow etc etc, got it"

"i can handle it i am not a child"

"then don't behave like one" the boss picked up his files and walked away leaving Nina in control of the system.

The day dragged on until Nina was finally able to leave. She sped out of the car park on her motor bike and down the main road heading into town. she took her usual trip to the pub before heading home to three new voice mails on the phone. Nina played the voice mails while she went into the kitchen for some food.

"you have three new messages, Message one" the machine continued "hello, Miss Hornwood this is Eric Bryer, we need you to come in some time in the week. call the agency to make an appointment" Nina paused and looked at the machine as it continued to play the messages "message two. Miss Hornwood, we said we would be in touch and now i am calling with a new job for you. make an appointment for next week" Nina walked over to the machine with a Carton of orange juice in hand "Message three, Miss Hornwood, Eric Bryer again. i have arranged for some people to come and fetch you on Tuesday at 2:00pm. we have a new job for you. End of messages" Nina drank from the Carton with a puzzled look and deleted the messages. She walked around the house looking at all the boxes stored in the uninhabited rooms. She began to rummage through some of them, finding items which reminded her about her last job with the agency. she spent time reflecting on the job and had a few flash backs.


Nina walked back inside the cabin and saw the three men doing different things; tom reading a book, Patrick emptying his bag and Aaron drinking a coffee while looking out the window. Nina gets to work on making food and non of them lift their heads from what they are doing while she goes about her business. 


"can't sleep?" Aaron asked standing behind Nina as he put his coat on

"you need to sleep, if you don't you aren't keeping up with your diet routine" she glanced over her shoulder at him before she continued cleaning her rifle components. 

"what do you do?" he walked over and sat next to her

"i work for the agency as do you, you ask too many questions, curiosity will get you killed" she puts her rifle back together

"are you reviewing us?, i mean, we haven't been told why we are here" 

Nina stood from her spot "get some rest and stop asking questions" She put her rifle on her back and walked out into the trees zipping her jacket up. 


Nina read a page of her notes before packing everything back into the box and going to the living room turning the television on as she lay herself down on the couch. The news woman droned on and before an hour passed Nina found herself waking up in a dark room with the TV as the only light source. she rubbed her eyes as she sat up and turned the TV off as she stood. 

On her way to the kitchen, turning lights on as she goes, Nina noticed something was out of place and she stood in silence for a moment trying to figure out what it was. Seconds passed and she took a knife from her kitchen draw to the left of the fridge; maintaining a sense of stealth as she did. 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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