Chapter Twenty: T is for Tyler

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Walking down the hallways after threatening to kick a junior's ass gives you a really uncomfortable feeling inside. Not only do I have a reputation for being a little sissy, I'm also Tyler Macedo's little brother, which makes things ten times worse.

Sometimes, I wish I was an only child.

I somehow managed to wiggle out of bed this morning and hop into Tyler's car to get to school. For the whole entire car ride, Tyler kept on rambling on about how he's going to be humiliated for getting his ass kicked in front of so many people and how everyone knows he's gay. I tried to tell him to stop worrying so much and that he sounded like what I was like when I first started my freshman year, causing him to shut up. 

Yeah, I went there.

Ever notice how I'm the one that has to deal with all of the drama? My best friend was suicidal. I started questioning my relationship with Alia. Tyler is now gay and is dealing with a shit ton of bullying and stupidity. 

I'm the next target. I know it.

Oh wait—I already am the next target.

I have Kyle a few feet behind me and Aaron a few feet in front of me. Tyler isn't by my side (he went up to the second floor to find Jake), and as far as I know, Alia hasn't shown up to school yet.

Out of nowhere, I feel a crumbled ball of notebook paper hit my back. Knowing that it's Kyle, I turn around and glare at him.

"What'cha gonna do, big boy? Kick my ass?" Kyle hollers, grabbing the attention of a few nearby people, including Aaron.

Of course, now that Aaron sees Kyle ruining my life even more, he stops walking and tags along with Kyle. "Ah, I see—Dick Macedo."

"That's really freaking old," I announce. "If you're going to insult me, at least change it up a little."

Why would I say that? I'm basically encouraging them to insult me.

"You know this kid?" Kyle asks Aaron with a nasty smirk on his face. 

Sometimes, I really ponder on the thought of why Tyler was even "best friends" with this kid in the first place. I also wonder what Becca ever saw in Aaron, too. 

Thinking about it makes me shiver. It really does.

"Unfortunately." Aaron grabs the front of my shirt and pulls me towards him. "This kid made out with Brandon Morel."

Great, here we go with that again.

The smirk on Kyle's face turns into a full-out bright smile. "Oh really? I didn't know that. It seems like being a faggot runs in the Macedo family."

"Cut it out," I utter. I feel nerve build up inside of me, but I try to not let it get to me. "Don't you have better things to do?"

"Don't you have dicks to suck?" Aaron snaps, causing Kyle to laugh hysterically. 

I seriously hate my life.

"Wow, that was so original," I sarcastically say as I rip his hand off of my shirt.

Aaron disapproves of my action, leaning in closer to me as if he's gonna kick my ass. If he does, well, it wouldn't be the first time.

He leans in a little too close, though. He was so close, I could probably count each and every one of his individual eyelashes.

"Whoa," I say, leaning back away from Aaron. "At least take me out to dinner before you kiss me."

A few nearby people laugh at my comment, making me feel a little better inside. Being a wise ass pays off, you know. That's what I get for spending too much time with Tyler.

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