The Gateway

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Calico let out a sigh of relief as he turned the sign on the door to read closed. Finally the day was over and he was able to close up the cafe. But the bell rang one more time that day as Dorian walked in the door and ran straight into Calico. "Oh my god I'm so sorry," Dorian said as he reached down to pull Calico up from where he had fallen, "I just wanted to come and help you clean up."
"That's alright,"said Calico, brushing some dust off his apron, "It's all done."He lowered his eyes when they met Dorian's, a hint of redness creeping onto his cheeks.
"Well then I suppose I'll just have to walk you home," Dorian replied. Both of them smiled before heading out the door. The last few rays of sunshine were peeking, through the gaps in the houses, across the road. They walked next to each other engaging in idle chatter as they took the path home.

"Come on Dorian,"Calico turned and ran off down the street."I bet you can't catch me," he called over his shoulder.
"You just watch," Dorian replied casually, a hint of teasing in his voice, "I always catch you. You know I'm faster than you". Calico just laughed and continued down the street towards where a large oval lay. Dorian gave chase his dark purple eyes fixed on Calico's green jumper.

Fresh grass spread out in front of them and soon the only sounds they could hear was their raspy breath on the wind. Halfway across Dorian caught up and he reached out towards Calico grabbing the hood of his jumper. Dorian then tackled him onto the oval. Their bodies slammed onto the Oval with a dull thud and early morning dew from the glass grass clung to their jumpers.

"Get off please ,"Calico mumbled  from underneath Dorian . "Alright," said Dorian reluctantly. He got of Calico and flicked a stray piece of his shoulder length black hair out of his face.
"We're 16 years old anyway," said Calico, "why do you have to tackle me every time we chase each other?"
"Because," replied Dark, "It's seems to be the only way I can get you to stop".
"Come on," said Calico deciding to change the subject , "let's try one of the pathways. I know one we haven't been down before".
"One we haven't been down.We've been down all them."Scoffed Dorian, but there was an excited twinkle in his eyes.
"I thought so to," Calio said as he brushed the last of the dirt from his thick brown hair and denim jeans, "but this one's new. It's like it appeared out of nowhere".

He lead the way over, walking towards a cluster of trees at the side of the oval. A small dirt path lead between the trees looking completely natural and unimportant. Two large Oaks at the entrance to the pathway looking down upon the two boys almost edging them on.

"Let's go," Calio said who for some strange reason was enchanted by this simple path."Alright," replied Dorian, who felt the same way but was trying not to show it. Then without another moment's hesitation they both put one foot forwards and stepped onto the pathway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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