Chapter 15: Hanging Out

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When we follow our hearts, when we choose not to settle. It's funny isn't it? A weight lifts. The sun shines a little brighter. And, for a brief moment at least, we find a little piece. We live in happiness. When we follow our heart, we choose to live our own way. We don't settle. We live our own life. Live your life freely.

We got to the house and as we walked in, Leo walked to the living room. Attempting to fix his tie. We dropped Mer's suitcase by the door frame. "Hey Leo, Mer is staying here for awhile." I said.

"Oh really? Well. Welcome, I hope you feel at home. I, gotta go." He said looking at his watch.

"Leo, you're always leaving, it's like you don't live here at all. You're rarely here at all. I don't ever see you anymore." I said as I fixed his tie for him.

"I'll be home before dawn." He said.

"Tu dici sempre che. Sono sola per la maggior parte del tempo perché la mamma lavora fino a tardi in ospedale e papà è in viaggio d'affari ed è come se vivessi qui. E ora te ne vai per affari di cui non sono a conoscenza, qualunque cosa. Inferno. Potresti essere morto per strada e non lo so. Non ci pensi?"
I yelled. He looked at me.

Meredith just stared at us. She understood Italian but she didn't want to get in the middle of things.

"Per favore Elena, non è che sto lavorando in una mafia. Non sono così! Inoltre, non hai Meredith da vivere con te adesso?" He said.

"Forza Leo! Non è la stessa cosa! Ho bisogno di mio fratello con me! Altrimenti come posso chiedere un consiglio quando mi piace un ragazzo o quando sono sull'orlo delle lacrime?" I said as I sighed. He looked at me and hugged me.

"Ti amo Elena. Prometto che questa sarà la mia ultima cosa commerciale da questa azienda. Ma ascolta, puoi sempre parlarmi ogni volta che parli di qualcosa. Sarò sempre qui per te, okay? Ti amo." He said. Pulling away.

"Ti amo troppo idiota" I said messing up his hair and laughing.

"Calmati ora" He said fixing his hair and heading out. I kissed him on the cheek and closed the door behind him. I turned around and Meredith was sitting on the couch.

"What was that about?" She asked.

"Oh you know just siblings bonding" I said as I chuckled. Meredith looked at her watch.

"Crap, I have a date with Soda. I have to get ready." She said getting up.

"You can borrow my clothes if you have to." I yelled.

"Thank you!" She answered from my room.

The phone rang. I was alone in my house, Meredith had already left for her date with Sodapop. I walked over to the phone and picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Oh hey Elena, it's Two-bit." Two bit said.

"Oh hey Two, how are you? Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Everything is fine, I was just wondering if you could do me a favor? I need you to babysit my sister for the night, if that's okay?" He asked.

𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐨 - 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜Where stories live. Discover now