Chapter 1.

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It Started With a Jersey

Chapter 1.
Vanessa Bell

I thought that senior year was supposed to be the highlight of a teenager's life. Easy classes, sporting events, special treatment from teachers, prom. I was wrong. Seniors didn't get to just breeze through their last year of high school.

At least I wasn't one of those seniors that could.

It shouldn't have come as a shock that my precalculus teacher asked if I would stay after class to talk about my grades. Considering as it was only our third week of school into the new year I really shouldn't have been failing. But I was.

So as I stood in front of my sixty-year-old math teacher that had white hair, dark brown eyes, and dressed like my grampa in a pair of old khakis and dress shirt- I was a ball of nerves.

"Your grades have slipped again, Miss Bell."

Mr. Harley's voice was soft as he offered me a sympathetic expression. I'd had him last year for Algebra two, so he was well aware of my ongoing struggle with math.

"I know," I admitted quietly, looking down at the dull blue carpeting to avoid his confrontational stare. "I'm sorry, I just haven't had the time to put into my homework due to my horses."

Internally I was cursing myself for admitting to my math teacher that I was spending all my time on horses. It was definitely not information that I needed to share with him. No one seemed to understand exactly what it meant that I was an equestrian.

"Miss Bell," he said with a soft sigh as if he too wished I hadn't told him that reasoning to my failing grade. I chewed nervously on my lower lip, lifting my head to meet Mr. Harley's disapproving stare. "You can't afford to fail this class and although I realize that you would much rather play with your animals, this is one of your core classes that is required to graduate."

His words were harsh, but his tone was soft. He wasn't trying to upset me, I knew that, but I couldn't help but internally scoff at his words. There was so much more to what I did with horses than just playing with them.

"You need to get your grades up," he continued. "If you don't then I'm afraid I'll have to work something out with your parents."

My breath hitched. He couldn't do that to me. Horses were my whole life. They were my passion. Unlike many people at my school that lived and breathed sports like football and basketball, I lived and breathed my horses. I couldn't let my math teacher take that away but getting my parents involved.

"I understand," I finally said after moments of silence. My eyes dropped back down to the floor and I let out a large sigh. "I'll put more time into my work. I promise you that I'll get my grades up."

Mr. Harley nodded, offering me a small smile. "That's all I'm asking for. A little effort can go a long way."

I nodded in response, choosing not to reply verbally. For some people, I was sure that effort would go a long way, but for someone like me, it didn't matter how much effort I put in. I would always suck at math.

"You're free to go now."

I didn't wait around a second longer. Not even to say a goodbye. I darted out of that room so quickly. It was lunchtime, and I was starving, so there was no way I was going to stick around a second longer than I needed to.

Upon entering the cafeteria I found my best friend at our usual table in the back corner away from all the commotion. Neither of us was what one would call popular, but we weren't invisible either. We just preferred to stay out of the spotlight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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