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Mark POV: Im running through the club trying to find a exit.. but it's hard because of all the crowds.. I go through what it seems like hundreds of people but I still can't find the exit.. my head is hurting- my heart is racing.. at this point... I just wanna go home

*3 years earlier*

"Why did you do this to me- huh?" Mark said
"YOU COULD'VE TOLD ME IF I WAS HURTING YOU." Mark yelled back. "DONT YELL AT ME." He's girlfriend yelled once more.. "I don't know- in case you forgot- BUT I PAY THE BILLS IN THIS HOUSE- SO I CAN DO WHAT EVER I WANT." Mark yelled back. Her expression became plain she looked down "I'm sorry ok.." she said. "I know you are.. that's why your gonna take your shit, and get the hell out of my house.." he said. "B-but I don't have anywhere else to-." "YES YOU DO! GO BACK YOUR OTHER LITTLE BOY- YOU HAD TO HAD BEEN IN A PLACE TO HAD DONE IT." She gets up and grabs her stuff.. "fine I'll leave." But when I mess up your life don't say anything." "And with that she left.."
"Wow that must of been- REALLY intimidating." His friend says. "Yeah." Mark says tearing up again.. "I just don't understand what I did wrong yuta. I cuddled her.. had fun with her, payed for her, and she did me like this.." yuta pulls him in for a hug.. "I understand your pain mark but you'll get through it.." yuta says calmly... mark loosens the hug and looks into Yuta's eyes.. "thank you." Mark says with a smile- Yuta's eyes winded and he gets flustered. Mark gets shy "sorry if that made you uncomfortable." Mark says while he looks down.. Yuta grabs his chin and makes him look up at him. "No don't apologize." Yuta smiles .... Mark begins to lean in without even noticing and kisses him.. yuta kisses back passionately.. and mark breaks the kiss "I'm so sorry yuta I didn't mean to-" yuta cuts him off by kissing him again"what did I tell you about apologizing?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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