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High school, 2011

"Leave me alone Jake" Abella closes her locker and tries brush off the English prick trying to get in her pants.

"Come on Mr.Carter and the other thespians won't know. Besides I know you have the hots for me."

Abella groans. "You must be confused, I'm not Charlie. She loves you not me. I hate you and would like for you to leave me alone."

He chuckles "playing hard to get. Besides Charlie isn't as hot as you are, she does give good head though."

Abella cringes at his statement. "Ew gross I don't care Jacob leave me alone or else I tell Mr. Carter and the other thespians about you and Charlie."

Abella brushes him off and goes into her Chemistry class. "Come on wouldn't we be the power of the drama club, the president and the hottest, best actor. Jake and Abella the unstoppable duo."

"Nice to know that you think of me like that but please, besides I'm a junior and your a senior even if I liked you, which I don't even as a friend, your leave in 6 months."

"Yeah I guess, but still wouldn't it be fun!" He sits next to her.

She rolls her eyes and grabs her books out of her backpack. "No it wouldn't I am trying to get I to NYU, I don't need distractions. Besides you only want to date me for frequent sex."

He takes her journal which she immediately grabs back. "Me? No! Never! Stop being a virgin and ditch with me next period." He gasps.

She looks at him with anger. "Class is about to start and I like being a virgin it means I'm still pure unlike your unholy ass."

Mrs.O'Driscoll walks in. "Alright class today we will be-" Abella zones out thinking about Jacobs stupidity.

Jake moves to his normal seat right behind Abella. He pokes her and whisper-yells her name but she doesn't care.

She doesn't mind him until he throws a note at her. "Will you stop!" She yells at Jacob drawing attention from all her classmates.

"Ms. Downs, is there a problem?"
Mrs. O'Driscoll stops teaching and draws her attention towards the back of the class.

"As a matter of fact." Abella slams Jacobs note down on the table, "There is, Jacob will not leave me alone! He has been harassing me and trying to get in my pants all day!"

"Not true that note is not from me, I call bullshit!" Jacob lies.

"Well you cant call bullshit if it's fucking true asswipe!" Abella yells at him and her classmates laugh at her statement.

"Both of you principals office now! This behavior and language will not be tolerated!" She points to the door.

Abella was about to yell but figured it's pointless, she packs up her stuff and leave with a huff.

He closely follows behind her. "I'm bored."

"Your fine you won't be bored when you get in trouble by Mr.Goodall."

"Let's go to 7/11 across the street."
He says with a smirk on his face.

"You are more than welcome to, but I am going to the principals office." She looks forward and walks faster

"Your no fun." He huffs as they walk into the office.

"Mrs.O'Driscoll called, take a seat and Mr.Goodall will call when he's ready." The office lady says not even looking up from her phone.

She's young, and bored.

"Let's play a game." Jacob says sitting right next to Abella even though she's in the corner and there are about 4 other chairs.

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