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"Olivia!" I call, jogging over to the dermatologist. It's seven o'clock, the end of our shift and my favorite part of the day. It's the only time I've managed to catch her all day. Between the two of us someone is always tending to a patient. 

Continuing to walk towards the elevators, she glances over her shoulder, smiling in recognition. I take another long stride towards her, my footsteps falling in sync with hers. "Hello, Tayla. Long day, huh?" she converses, pressing the elevator button with one, quick jab.

"Yeah." I nod in agreement, shrugging on my jacket. "Say do you have a patient named Brooklyn Robins by any chance?"

Olivia frowns, eyeing me suspiciously. "I may." she answers vaguely. "And why does it matter if I do or not?"

"No, no it doesn't matter." I shake my head, my brow creasing. Smooth. Despite my profession, mind the irony, I've never been a great conversationalist. 

"Good." She breathes a sigh of relief, her shoulders relaxing at the ease of tension. She turns her attention back towards the elevator, and taps her heel against the tile, humming.

I sneak a glance at her. She's tall, though in comparison to me that's hardly an accomplishment. Her hair is long and sheen, it glides smoothly across her shoulder when she flicks it. It's my favorite physical aspect to her. Interestingly enough, it's her least. She despises it. It's tedious, I can recall her saying. But looks are superficial. The real magical thing about Olivia is her strong sense of righteousness, protective and fierce nature.

It's in moments like this where I begin to resent these characteristics. No matter how much I tell myself I'm being irrational I always feel compelled to steer clear from her. She isn't bad, obviously. She just reminds me of someone I used to know. 

Against every urge to swallow my words and pretend I forgot something in my office, I continue. "But hypothetically speaking if it did..."

"It still wouldn't matter because of this thing called patient confidentiality that by law I'm obligated to follow." she informs me in a very matter-of-fact, almost scolding tone.

"Okay, true." I shrug in acknowledgment, pushing myself to press forward. "But I'm seeing Brooklyn."

At this she freezes. "Oh." She pauses, pursing her lips thoughtfully. "I didn't realize you've been seeing anyone lately."

"Yes, wait-no. That didn't come out right." I mumble. Why was this going so wrong?

"So...you're not seeing Brooklyn?" She repeats for clarification.

"Well, I am." Olivia's eye narrow at me in a mixture of confusion and amusement. "But it's strictly professional. I mean-she's my patient--" I rush to explain, my cheeks flushing with the heat of embarrassment.

Olivia chuckles. "No need to get so flustered. Geez. I never realized you'd get so unraveled talking about women."

"I don't...You know what? Forget it. We're getting off track. I need to talk to you about Brooklyn."

"For...love advice?" She teases, nudging me playfully with her shoulders.

Attempting to ignore the sudden urge to turn around and walk away, I continue. "No, to discuss why she was seeing you earlier today. She never mentioned she was seeing anyone else. At the practice I mean. Not me obviously." I rant nervously, shutting my eyes in disbelief. To become such a stumbling mess after a completely harmless accusation. Pull yourself together, Tayla.

"You're the psychiatrist. Ask her yourself. You have another appointment don't you?" I nod. "Well there you go! You're a professional too. You know how this works. Let her come to you." she advises, entering the elevator.

"You're right." I admit rubbing my forehead tiredly.

"It was nice talking to you like this. It's been a while. Get some rest. And if you don't mind me saying so, maybe it is about time you find someone new. It's been a long time since Natalie..."

I shake my head, speaking just as the doors of the elevator shut in front of me. "You can't put a time stamp on grief." I sigh. I'm such a mess.  


Well guys it's been a year! That is horrible. I am awful and ashamed. Here is a short little blurb for what is to come next! It's mostly just a filler to let you all know that I am very much alive and that I remember this story and all of you who read it. I've been meaning to update this story in particular for quite a while, but I'm been struggling to find the time with school and all. Although I am updating today there probably won't be another for a while longer. But I do have the next chapter partially written so there is hope. ^.^

I'm not sure how many, much less if there are any you who keep up with these kind of things but this story was featured as a spotlight for NewStoriesLGBT! Which is amazing guys. Especially given the fact this story isn't even close to being completed! But it was great seeing that. It has really encouraged me to start thinking about this story more and where I want to go with it--where I want all of us to go.

With that being said, happy new years eve everyone! And may the odds be ever in your favor! (I don't know why but inserting that last pieces just felt necessary given the circumstances) 

Thanks lovelies!

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