Chapter 42 - 'Murder The Bastard That Took Her From You.'

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Wolfgang stared into the microscope, trying to isolate the antibodies in his blood, when Freya walked in.

"What do you think you're doing?" The witch asked and Wolfgang glanced up at her. He sighed and leaned against the table.

"I am running tests on my blood." Wolfgang explained and Freya shook her head, "You should be resting."

"I'm fine." Wolfgang replied, "Besides, I need to do this. It's keeping me occupied." Freya sighed and pointed at the microscope.

"Talk me through it."

"Well, I am a man of many talents. For example, despite what I said yesterday, I am the only one here who is a qualified doctor." Wolfgang started, "So, I am trying to use my blood to create a cure for Lucien's venom."

"How would that work? Your blood didn't work before." Freya questioned and Wolfgang sighed, crossing his arms.

"Well, most anti-venom is created from the antibodies of an animal that has survived the venom of a creature." Wolfgang explained, "Using the same logic, I survived Lucien's venom so my antibodies should be able to create a cure."

"What are the chances of that working?" Freya asked and Wolfgang turned back to the microscope, stainong his blood using a dye.

"Very little." Wolfgang answered, as he finally managed to isolate the different components of his blood.


Cami stumbled into the compound, looking sick and drained. Wolfgang appeared behind Cami without her noticing, a recurring habit of his.

"You look like shit." Wolfgang said and Cami turned to face him, rolling her eyes although she was seriously injured.

Wolfgang walked up to her and inspected the bite on her neck. His jaw clenched as he recognised the fang marks.

"Lucien." Wolfgang said and Cami nodded weakly. The vampire clenched his jaw before he let out a sigh.

"Niklaus." Wolfgang shouted and in seconds the hybrid appeared, pausing when his eyes fell on Cami.

"What happened to her?" Klaus asked, shocked. He immediately walked over to Cami and lifted her up bridal-style, turning to walk away with her.

"Klaus?" Cami called, gaining the hybrid's attention, "I love you. I just needed you to know that."

"I can tell you that I love you tomorrow." Klaus replied, "You're not dying today."

The hybrid carried Cami all the way to his room, placing her down on his bed gently. Cami gasped out in pain as the venom delved deeper into her body. Klaus looked at Wolfgang, concern shining in his blue eyes.

"Get Elijah and Freya here, now."


Wolfgang, Klaus, Marcel and Freya all stood in the hybrid's bedroom, hovering over Cami as Klaus held onto the blonde's hand.

"We need to find a cure. Now." Klaus started and the others agreed. Wolfgang sighed and then spoke up.

"I'm working on something that should work, Freya can help me while she searches through some spells."

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