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*Just a heads up All Might is a bit of a more jerk*


it's been two years since my name was announce quirkless, my father suppose to come from his business trip from America and must have heard about my "disability" the doctor called it, and as soon he got home he yelled at my mother. Saying he wanted a divorce, she begged him not to go but he just left, just like my friends, my best friends, and crush. My best friend now is my tormentor and beats me everyday because im a quirkless, loser, deku, that doesn't need anything from anyone. And maybe he's right, but my dream of being a hero never stopped, I may not need anything from anyone, but I can still save people. I don't need a quirk for that right? My other best friend, Ochako Uraraka did stick around for a little while, but that "little while" meant only three weeks, she protected me form kacchan's bullying. Guest he didn't like that so he told everyone at school that quirklessness is contagious. and you'd think they would be smart enough to know that was a lie... guess not since everyone started avoiding me, even my best friend/crush. And your'd think the bullying would stop... Nope news flash it worsened now. My life was a living hell and now I have nothing excepted my loving mother. You'd think she would have abandoned me after the break up but she just loved me more, and more causious of me going out alone. And started eating a lot, because of the stress, guess that's another thing that's my fault.

All this happened because I'm useless, I'm quirkless, I'm a waste of space.

And you think what I did next was to commit suicide............................................................

HELL NO! Give up my life for good for nothings! GUESS AGAIN! that man was not my father he was a disgusting person who shouldn't be a father at all! And all those people at school can shove their quirks up their mouths and suck on them and ochako can lift herself all the way to the sun for all I care, because quirks don't matter when your a hero what matters is that your heart is in the right place! Hero's don't need to go to school for education on being a hero, you already are! Back then when quirks weren't a thing their comic books about many hero's with superpowers and some without. and that's what I inspire to be.

and all this was a thought when I was six years old!

When I got home that evening everything changed, I found my mother on the couch watching tv. Before she could say anything I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the nearest gym. And it was hard to do since I was small so she just followed me. when we got their, we immediately got to work I was running on the treadmill trying to build up stamina and endurance so I can runaway from bakugo and his minions, I couldn't stand up to him now, but soon. My mom ran beside me try to regain her past figure.

This happened everyday, I would run away from katsuki and his goons, sometimes let him catch to test my progress, I so got into mechanics and programing, I took scrapes of machinery form the beach and built me a phone on my first try. I somewhat stopped writing notes of hero's, instead I did blueprints of my work in my notebooks, and some worked, but some I couldn't make.

8 years, I am now 14 years old. I am now in my third year in middle school and over the years I still worked out with my mom and also did some part core with her when I was 9, she was nervous that I would be hurt, but she grew in it and started having fun. We also learned fighting technique's , I learned on the internet so we didn't have to spend money. I made my own powerful fighting style so did my mom she started working a dojo we got a lot of money for that, the dojo was right beside the beach that is now clean because of me. I now fight back, and each time I fight katsuki he would lose, this made others leave me alone and I was finally free.

Today is the day of the last day of school, and the day I will show everyone, I'm determined to be a hero.

Third Person Pov

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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