Mal returns to the Isle

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Ember (mind of the little Hades)

I was on daddy shoulders as we go collecting money for aunty Uma

"Daddy are we scary"

"Ay lass we are"

"Is that good"

"Ay my princess it is"

"Yeah" i spoke as we entered the place where momma does her hair cause her hair is pretty like my hair then we see dizzy

"Fork it over runt" daddy told her when we heard

"So still getting orders from Uma or May or do you get to keep what you take Harry" daddy turns and i see her momma sister goody goody aunty mally as daddy set me down

"Ay look who's back ye know Uma and May aren't gonna give ye back your turf"

"That's okay I'll take it back" i walked up to her

"Momma won't let you" i spoke her eyes widen

"Ay Mal meet ye niece little Ember" she was speechless i smriked a bit as daddy takes my hand

"Come on lass"

"Bye bye aunty goody goody" i said as me and daddy left


I was with uncle Gil walking around the isle

"Uncle Gil can we steal something"

"Later Little Hook we have to get some things for your aunt Uma" i nod in agreement when someone bumbs into him

"Ey wacth it" i said when he turned my eyes widen with a smirk

"Ey i know you" said uncle Gil

"Uh no no you don't" he was lying i look at the poster that had meany aunty mally and beasty boy and they macthed as i pulled uncle Gil arm

"Uncle Gil his king Ben" i spoke the guy got nervous then i see aunty meany friends

"Carlos Evie Jay your here too come on Hudson let's got tell your aunt Uma" he picked me

"See you soon traitors" i shouted as uncle ran back to grandma Ursula shop momma is gonna be so happy


I was helping Uma out in the restaurant since Harry had Ember and Gil had Hudson as i see Ember running into the restaurant toward me

"Momma momma momma"

"Ember where's your daddy" Harry came in after her out of breath

"Ay the lass is fast" he said as he was trying to breathe normally again

"Momma you'll never guess who we saw" i picked her up

"Who sweetheart"

"Guess she has purple hair and is a traitor" my eyes widen

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