Cradle Lined with Black Sheets

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Within this cradle,
I am held in place.
Wrapped around
all sides of me,
never able to do
more than a wiggle
more than a breath.
Higher, then lower;
I am held in place.

Black sheets,
surrounding, encasing
all sides of me.
From neck chocking
to feet restrained,
I am held down —
I am held in place.
For my own good;
for their own pleasure.
I am held in place.

Within this cradle,
I am held down —
in place.
And yet...
I am still free.
Inside the mind
aware by the eyes,
seeing the truth that is
all around, alive.
Unable to be restrained.
Unable to be held down.
Still alive, still free
below these black sheets.

Within this place,
held in place,
inside this cradle
covered edge to edge
in black sheets,
I am held in place,
but the heart and mind,
still free,
make plans for escape
from this place.

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