Chapter Ten - Darth Jadus

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Darth Jadus stood before Salem with unflinching conviction. He could feel the darkness within Salem as she did with him. It was that darkness that kept the Sith Lord from slaughtering everyone in the room. Darth Jadus became interested in Salem. 

Darth Jadus: Who are you and why have you brought me here?

Salem: You may call me Salem. I sense great darkness in you. 

Darth Jadus: What you sense is the power of the Dark Side. A power lesser beings can never truly comprehend. You stand before a Dark Lord of the Sith. 

Salem quickly realized that Darth Jadus was truly a powerful creature. His connection to the Dark Side was something that she had never felt before. 

Salem: What manner of creature are you? 

Darth Jadus: I am Darth Jadus. I am Sith. Gaze upon the power of the Dark Side.

Salem grew more fascinated with Darth Jadus and the nature of the Dark Side.

Salem: My servants uncovered your body in an ancient and underground temple. They went through great lengths to retrieve you.

Darth Jadus: I care nothing for the work of sheep and slaves. I could slaughter them at my whim.

Mercury: Big talk for someone outnumbered.

Darth Jadus: Outnumbered you say? Perhaps another demonstration is in order. Consider this the price for your arrogance.

Without warning, Darth Jadus unleashes a torrent of Force Lightning which caused great pain to Mercury. The room fell silent as Mercury screamed. When the Sith Lord stopped, Darth Jadus towered over Mercury as he writhed in pain.

Darth Jadus: You are nothing more than a small and insignificant ant that I could crush any time I chose. What you experienced was but a small fraction of my power. You best remember that the next time you dare challenge me. 

After that demonstration, Darth Jadus turned his attention back to Salem.

Darth Jadus: Now I will ask once more, why have you brought me here?

Salem: I believe you could be a valuable ally in my cause. With your power, we could rule this world.

Darth Jadus: One world is nothing to me. You speak to a Dark Lord who has lorded over countless worlds across the Galaxy. I take as I please. But I sense a change in the Galaxy. It is not what it once was. The Sith are no more. Ally and enemy alike are nothing more than dust.

Upon hearing this, Salem grew more and more fascinated by the enigmatic Darth Jadus. Her assumptions about the Sith Lord was correct.

Salem: I can give you great power. We are more alike than you think. 

Darth Jadus: Do not presume that you are my equal. The power you wield is nothing next to the power of the Dark Side. What power you wield is merely an illusion. Many of my enemies have spoken as you do now. All have fallen before me, grovelling before my feet.

Salem soon saw the precarious situation she was in. The power Darth Jadus wielded rivaled even her own. Though Salem remained defiant.

Salem: Bold words, Darth Jadus. But you cannot kill what you cannot die. I am immortal and my power is vast. Even if you somehow managed to kill me, you gain nothing. You said it yourself, ally and enemy alike are nothing more than dust. 

Darth Jadus took interest in Salem. The Dark Lord could feel the darkness within her. It was something he had never felt before. He looked to the dead Grimm before him and was mildly impressed that she held control over such creatures.

Darth Jadus: Perhaps there is some benefit to this alliance you propose.

Salem: Then we have a deal?

Darth Jadus took a moment to reflect on Salem's offer. He had been trapped in Carbonite for what appeared to be centuries. The terror network he had meticulously built was no more. He was now effectively on his own.

Darth Jadus: Very well. I will join your cabal. But know this, I am not as easily manipulated like your slaves. Unlike those who serve you, I am a Dark Lord of the Sith. I bow to no one.

Cinder: Don't forget who saved you. If it weren't for me, you'd still be locked away in that temple.

Darth Jadus: Your arrogance will not serve you here. You would be wise to grovel before me. You are nothing to me. You are just an expendable slave. Do not forget that. 

Cinder was enraged at how Darth Jadus was able to speak to her in the manner he did. Nevertheless, she kept her composure.

Salem: Enough. Cinder. Return to Vale and resume our operations there. Find the Fall Maiden and claim what power she remains.

Cinder: Yes, my mistress.

Salem: In time, Darth Jadus will join you in Beacon. His powers will aid us greatly.

Cinder bowed before Salem and left the castle along with Emerald and Mercury. As they left, Salem turned to the Sith Lord.

Darth Jadus: Consider yourself lucky, not many creatures survive earning my hatred and my respect.

Salem: Now then, we have much to discuss.

In that moment, Darth Jadus had aligned himself with Salem and the forces of darkness. But despite this, Darth Jadus would work behind the scenes to serve his own purpose. But for now, Darth Jadus would serve Salem as he once did for the Dark Council. But like he did for the Dark Council in the days of the Old Republic, Darth Jadus would ultimately serve himself.

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