Chapter 1

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I'm sorta different. I've been diagnosed with a medical condition called T1D or Type One Diabetes. It sucks I'm gonna be honest it truly and honestly does. What happens when you have T1D is your pancreas, the organ that gives you insulin a hormone that breaks down food so you can eat suddenly stops producing insulin. That causes T1D. Your pancreas also regulates how much sugar you have in your blood when you have T1D your body does not regulate how much sugar so you have to poke your finger 3-8 times a day with a needle to see if you have to much sugar in your blood (high BG) or to little sugar in your blood (low BG) This is just background info so you know what T1D is.
Disclaimer only bits of this story is true. All T1D info is correct some of the bulling and other mean comments are there so you can learn to think before you speak.

I walked into HMS high school. I saw the looks on people's faces as they saw my insulin pump attached to my arm. They stared. I heard Samantha loudly whisper to Holly how her day was ruined because the unhealthy freak had shown her face at school. Those words stung. I kept walking until I saw my best friends in the whole world. Lauren a beautiful blonde haired girl who was a whole head taller then me ran and told me to ignore them. After Lauren and I kept walking until we saw Brooke, a red haired girl with beautiful eyes waving at us. She was my other best friend. Brooke told me that she liked my shirt. I replied with a thank you. We walked to class together where I sat down at the seat and started to feel like I was going to have a *low BG. My hands started to shake I fell out of my seat and collapsed on the ground. Samantha only gave me a quick glance before tapping Lauren and Brooke's shoulders and telling them that I was dying. Samantha then said but just leave her she deserves to die. Brooke cam over and grabbed an apple juice from my book bag and made me drink it so I wouldn't pass out. Lauren was already down the hall to get Mrs. Jones the school nurse.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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