Joe Gage

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The last of 3 travellers picked up on the way to Minnie's Haberdashery by John Ruth, you had found yourself stuck out in an oncoming snow storm, barely dressed, dishevelled and without a coat. Your grandfather had abruptly kicked you out of house and home after he had demanded a bigger fire, and you had told him there was no more fire wood. Too much back talk, he had said. A pathetic drunk of a man, he hit you once across the face and kicked you out, leaving a purple and throbbing bruise across your left eye. Having trekked as far as you could go towards a place you frequented on your trips towards Red Rock, Minnie's Haberdashery, you were elated to hear, and then see a four horse carriage coming your way. Stepping out into its path you yelled for it to stop, waving your hands around, and to your luck, and the preservation of your life, it did just that.

"Thank the lord you stopped!" You exclaimed.

"Can I please get a ride? Are you heading to Minnie's?" You asked hopefully to the driver, and he doesn't reply, cocking his head to the carriage behind instead before you hear a man yell from inside and see the barrel of a gun being coked from inside the window.

"Step back and put your hands way above your head!"

You knew better than to argue and did as he said, stepping back from the carriage and holding your hands up high. Now, from where you were standing you could see that inside of the carriage were what looked like three men and one woman.

"What are you doing out here in the snow on your own?" The bearded man asks abruptly.

"I had enough of my grandfather... or rather he had enough of me... I didn't get a choice in the matter." You gesture to your bruise and before you can say another word or bargain anymore the man threw a pair of handcuffs out of the window which landed on the snowy ground in front of your feet, and kicked open the door, putting his gun away.

"Put them on and get inside, and be quick about it!"

You look inside the carriage wearily but decide to do as commanded. Better bound and safe than free and dead at this point. You cuff your wrists and head inside, sitting beside a clean shaven man and opposite the bearded one who was obviously in charge.

"What's your name girl?" The bearded man asks, and as you begin to speak you are immediately interrupted by a certain Major Marques Warren.

"Well if it isn't Miss (y/l/n), I thought I might come across you again... but not like this"

"Major Warren, boy I'm sure glad to see you here, I-" again you are interrupted.

"You two know each other or something?"

"Yes John Ruth, we know each other." Warren replies, already sounding short with this Ruth.

"I've seen Major Warren around Minnie's a couple of times. Umm, can I take these off yet?" You gesture to the handcuffs and Ruth nods, unlocking them for you. You nod in thanks.

"Well then, I guess if he can vouch for you then I can atleast trust you as far as I can throw you, for now. I'm John Ruth, this here is Daisy Domergue, who I am taking to Red Rock to be hanged by the county hangman." he explains as Daisy stares at you with this looks that says that she can't wait to get her hands on you, but you just can't help feeling sorry for her, all bruised and bloody.

"And I'm Chris Mannix, the new Sheriff of Red Rock." the man beside you pipes up and you can already tell he's eyeing you, getting ready to talk you up, but you don't want to hear it. Your grandfather had beat you your whole life, and tonight was the last straw, so the last thing you needed was some man with verbal diarrhoea talking your ear off and wearing away any amount of fake pleasantness you had left.

Joe GageWhere stories live. Discover now